
Thursday, June 30, 2016

Al-Quran: Summary of Juz 15

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Semoga bermanfaat, Insya Allah.



This summary of the fifteen juzz covers Surah Al Isra Ayah 1 to Surah Al Kahf Ayah 74.

Beginning of the Fifteenth Juz

Sûrah Bani Isra'îl follows Sûrah Nahl as the seventeenth Sûrah of the Qur'ân.

Allâh took Rasuluilâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam on the miraculous journey of Mi'râj, when Allâh showed him great signs of His power. It was on this journey that Allâh made the five daily Salâh obligatory on all Muslims.

This blessed Sûrah also contains the 14 guidelines by which the life of a Muslim can be most fulfilling. These are:
🔺1. Worship only Allâh.
🔺2. Treat parents kindly.
🔺3. Fulfil the rights of relatives, the poor and travellers.
🔺4. Never be wasteful.
🔺5. If you cannot be of assistance to a person in need, inform him kindly.
🔺6. Be neither miserly nor extravagant, but choose a path between the two.
🔺7. Never kill your children for fear of poverty.
🔺8. Never even come close to fornication or adultery.
🔺9. Never slay a person without a legal warrant.
🔺10. Never misuse the wealth of an orphan.
🔺11. Always keep your word.
🔺12. Never cheat in weight and measure.
🔺13. Never talk about anything that you have not verified.
🔺14. Never walk with pride.

The Tahajjud Salâh is made compulsory for Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam in this Sûrah Bani Isrâ'îl.
Allâh also announces: "Say, 'The truth has arrived and falsehood has vanished.
Indeed, falsehood was bound to disappear.'" (verse 81)

Thereafter Allâh speaks about Prophet Mûsa his miracles, and his preaching to Fir'aun. The eventual destruction of Fir'aun is also mentioned.
Allâh says further, "We have revealed it (the Qur'ân) with the truth, and with the truth did it come" (verse 105).

Awestruck by the grandeur of the Qur'ân, men of knowledge prostrate when they hear the Qur'ân and the Qur'ân increases their humility.

The very last verse of the Sûrah declares, "Say, All praise is for Allâh, Who has not taken a child, has no partner in sovereignty and does not require an assistant due to any weakness. And declare His greatness in abundance." (verse 111)

Sûrah Kahf follows Sûrah Bani Isra'îl. The part of Sûrah Kahaf which is recited in this juzz includes the incident of the men of the cave and Prophet Mûsa meeting with Prophet Khidr

The 11 men of the cave" were a group of young men who were deeply affected by the depravity around them and decided to leave their town.
Since the only shelter they could find outside their town was a cave, they entered it. Allâh cast them all into a deep sleep that lasted approximately three hundred years.
 During this period, their dog lay watch at the mouth of the cave.
Eventually, the evil and corruption that existed in their town gave way to a decent government of Mu'minîn. By the time they woke up, everything had changed. It was not long after that they learnt about the situation that they all passed away in the very same cave.

This Sûrah also makes mention of the wisdom in Allâh's system of control, which he showed Prophet Mûsa Alayhis Salâm via Prophet Khidr Alayhis Salâm. As the two travelled, Prophet Khidr Alayhis Salâm damaged the boat of some poor people, killed an innocent looking young boy, and bolstered a falling wall of some people who had behaved inhospitably towards them. Prophet Mûsa was unable to restrain his emotions as he saw these acts and objected to each of them. Finally, Prophet Khidr Alayhis Salâm explained to him that Allâh had commanded each act and that there was good in every act even though they appeared to be dreadful.

Allâh also declares in the Sûrah: "We have undoubtedly expounded all types of subjects in the Qur'ân for people. Man has always been the worst disputant" (verse 54). Man has always contested what Allâh has revealed to His Ambiyâ and refuses to accept it.

 The Qur'ân contains ethical teachings so that people with understanding may ponder over them and learn lessons from them.

Among these teachings are the incidents of the men of the cave and of Prophet Mûsa .

May Allâh grant us deep insight and understanding.


End of the fifteenth juzz

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Al-Quran: Summary of Juz 14

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh...

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Semoga bermanfaat, Insya Allah.



This summary of the fourteenth juz covers Surah Al Hijr Ayah 1 to Surah Al Nahl ayah 128.

Beginning of the Fourteenth Juz

Sûrah Hijr follows Sûrah Ibrahîm. This Sûrah sounds a stern warning to those people who mocked Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam message of Islâm and who called him a madman. Allâh tells such people that the Qur'ân is a Reminder from Allâh which He has revealed to Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam.

Allâh adds: "Without doubt We have revealed the Reminder and We shall certainly be its protectors. (verse 9)

Allâh consoles Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam in this Sûrah by telling him that he should never allow the taunts and threats of the Mushrikîn to affect him because these people are following the footsteps of Shaytân and are destined for Jahannam.

Allâh declares that He is the Most Forgiving and the Most Merciful, but that He is also capable of inflicting a grievous punishment.

Addressing Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam Allâh says, "We know very well that your heart is constricted by what they (the Mushrikîn) say" (verse 97).

In the next verse Allâh prescribes the remedy for the hurt that the Kuffâr cause to Rasulullâh Allâh says, "So glorify the praises of your Rabb and be of those who prostrate. And worship your Rabb until the certainty (death) comes to you.­

Sûrah Nahl commences after Sûrah Hijr. Allâh opens the Sûrah with the words, "Allâh's command has arrived, so do not seek to hasten it. He is Pure and Exalted above what they associate as partners to Him."

Allâh rebukes the Kuffâr for requesting Allâh's punishment and reminds them that the day will certainly come when they will be taken to task for their acts.

Man is ungrateful to Allâh Who has provided him with various means of conveyances and animals with which he can transport himself and his heavy loads. There are great signs of Allâh's might in these for people who will ponder.

Allâh tells the Mushrikîn, "So travel in the land and see what was the consequence of those who rejected (the message of their Ambiyâ)" (verse 36).

The civilisations of these people lie in ruins, destroyed by the consequences of their very own acts Allâh reminds man that whatever He wills shall come to pass.

Thereafter, Allâh rebukes the Mushrikîn for feeling ashamed and humiliated when they have a daughter; emotions that lead them to eventually bury the child alive.

Allâh then discusses various bounties that He has bestowed on man; like the rains, the animals and the flourishing of vegetation after rains.

Allâh also calls man's attention to the great boon of milk that Allâh miraculously produces within the bellies of animals. Allâh says, "From what is in their bellies between excrement and blood, We give you pure milk to drink, which is easily consumed." (verse 66)

Thereafter, Allâh reminds man of the various types of delicious fruit that Allâh by His pure grace provides for him.

Mention is then made of the bee which Allâh has inspired to build hives in mountains and trees. Allâh has charged the bees with producing honey, about which Allâh says that it is a cure for man" (verse 69).

All these bounties denote the existence of One Allâh because no one else can create these phenomena.

Allâh says further, "Allâh has given some of you preference over others in sustenance‑ (verse 71). In so doing, people are interdependent and each one serves the needs of the next, thereby allowing the smooth functioning of the system of life.

Further reminding man of His bounties, Allâh says, "Allâh has made spouses for you from yourselves and, from these spouses, created sons and grandsons. And He has provided for you pure foods to eat. Will they believe in falsehood and show ingratitude to Allâh's favour?" (verse 72).

Despite the fact that Allâh provides man with his sustenance and all these bounties, the Kuffâr still worship "things that cannot provide any sustenance for them from the skies, nor from the earth" (verse 73).

In addition to this, they also forbid others from treading the right path. Because of their deviant ways, Allâh will subject them to a severe punishment when He will resurrect all of mankind.

Allâh then mentions a few attributes of the Qur'ân when He says that it is also "a guidance, a mercy and a glad tiding for those who submit." (verse 89).

May Allâh grant us the ability to be conscious of His bounties and to remain steadfast upon the belief in Tauhîd. Âamîin.

The verse "Verily Allâh instructs justice, good and giving to relatives. And Allâh forbids lewdness, evil and oppression. He advises you so that you may take heed."

Allâh also commands people to fulfil their pledges and their oaths, and not to accept bribes.

Allâh promises all Mu'minîn men and women who carry out good acts that He will grant them a pure and comfortable life in this world and full reward for their acts in the Âkhirâh.

Thereafter, Allâh instructs the Muslims that they should always seek refuge with Allâh from Shaytân when they commence recitation of the Qur'ân.

Allâh also advises, "Call to the path of your Rabb with wisdom and good counsel; and dispute with them (the Kuffâr) in a manner that is best (Sûrah Nahl, verse 125).

At the end of the Sûrah, Allâh tells Rasulullâh that he should not be grieved about what the enemies of Islâm do because Allâh will certainly assist him to overcome all the hurdles they place before him.

End of the Fourteenth Juz

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Al-Quran: Summary of Juz 13

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh...

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Semoga bermanfaat, Insya Allah.



This summary of the thirteenth juzz covers Surah Yusuf ayah 53 to Surah Ibrahim ayah 52.

Beginning of the Thirteenth Juz

When a severe drought struck Egypt and the surrounding areas, Egypt had no shortage of grains because Prophet 'Yusuf had already proposed to the king that they should keep grains in store from the previous year's harvest.

Therefore, people from the neighbouring areas began to flock to Egypt for food. Among those who arrived in Egypt were the brothers of Prophet Yusuf. Although they failed to recognise him, he recognised them and returned their money to them without their knowledge. He also insisted that they bring their youngest brother along on the next trip.

When they arrived home and found that their money was returned to them they said, "Oh our father! What more can we want? Here are our funds returned to us‑ (verse 65).

On the next trip they took their youngest brother along with them. As they started to return home, Prophet Yusuf detained his youngest brother in Egypt on some pretext.

Prophet Yaqûb turned blind because of excessive weeping over his lost child. Allâh says, "His eyes turned white with sorrow." (verse 84)

When the brothers returned to Egypt for the third time and Prophet Yusuf informed them about who he was, they cast their gazes down in embarrassment and regret. Prophet Yusuf told them, "The fact is that whoever adopts Taqwa and is patient (through adversities), then Allâh surely does not put to waste the reward of those who do good." (verse 90)

When the brothers begged his forgiveness, Prophet Yusuf Alayhis Salâm displayed exemplary character and put them as ease by saying, "There shall be no reproach on you today. May Allâh forgive you. He is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy." (verse 92)

Upon the request of Prophet Yusuf Prophet Yaqûb and his entire family arrived in Egypt. When the family was reunited, they all fell in prostration before Prophet Yusuf Thus, the dream he saw in his youth was realised.

At the end of Sûrah Yusuf, Allâh states that there are great lessons in the narratives of the Ambiyâ for people of understanding. Allâh says, "In their narratives there is certainly a lesson for people of intelligence.

This Qur'ân is not a fabricated tale, but a confirmation to all the scriptures before it, a detailed explanation of all things, a guidance and a mercy for the believing folk." (verse 111)

Sûrah Ra'd follows Sûrah Yusuf. This Sûrah establishes the truth of the Qur'ân, of Tauhîd, Risâlah and Qiyâmah. It also provides details concerning resurrection.

Allâh warns the Kuffâr of severe punishment in the Âkhirâh, but also states that He overlooks many sins for which He could well punish people.

Allâh makes it clear that He is Aware of everything that man does and even has knowledge of what changes take place in the womb of an expectant mother.

Allâh also emphasises: "Undoubtedly Allâh does not change the condition of a nation until they change the condition within themselves" (verse 11).

Allâh has never changed the conditions affecting any nation until they made an attempt to change their behaviour.

Furthermore, Allâh exhorts man to ward off sins by carrying out good acts because the bounties of the Âkhirâh have been made for the Mu'minîn.

May Allâh grant us the capacity to bring a revolution within our lifestyles and make us the means of effecting a favourable change to our surroundings.

May Allâh also grant us the guidance to carry out good acts to attain the eternal bliss of Jannah. Âmîn.

Allâh declares, "Due to their evil acts, some calamity will always afflict the disbelievers, or descend close to their homes until Allâh's promise (Qiyâmah) comes." (Sûrah Ra'd, verse 31).

Allâh also mentions that although the Kuffâr are continuously plotting, the final decision in any matter always rests with Allâh.

Allâh is Aware of whatever they do and will take them to task for their evil actions.

Sûrah Ibrahîm follows Sûrah Ra'd. This Sûrah also begins with mention of the Qur'ân. Allâh says, "This is the Book that We revealed to you to remove people from the multitude of darkness, taking them towards light, by the command of your Rabb to the path of The Mighty, The One Worthy of praise.

The Sûrah proceeds to establish the Prophethood of Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam after which belief in Tauhîd is discussed.

To emphasise the concept of Tawhîd Allâh cites the incidents of Prophet Mûsa and Prophet Ibrahîm .

The Sûrah also condemns kufr and shirk by means of examples.

Allâh quotes the du'â of Prophet Ibrahîm in this Sûrah when he supplicated to Allâh saying, "O our Rabb! I have settled my children in a valley that cannot be cultivated, close to Your sacred house. Oh our Rabb! So that they establish Salâh, so cause some hearts of people to be inclined towards them. And provide for them fruits for their sustenance so that they may be grateful. Oh our Rabb! Indeed You know what we conceal and what we disclose. Nothing in the heavens and the earth is hidden from Allâh' (verse 37/8).

The du'âs of Prophet Ibrahîm teach us to include Allâh's praises in our du'âs so that they are more readily accepted.

After discussing the incident of Prophet Ibrahîm Allâh urges the people of Makkah to learn a lesson from the narratives of the previous nations.

The Sûrah warns people of the terrible punishment of the Day of Qiyâmah for those who reject the truth and stubbornly oppose it.

At the end Allâh says, "This (Qur'ân) is a message for people so that they are warned by it and so that they know that He is but One deity; and so that the intelligent ones take heed from it.' (verse 52).

End of the Thirteenth Juz

Monday, June 27, 2016

Al-Quran: Summary of Juz 12

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh...

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Semoga bermanfaat, Insya Allah.


JUZ - 12

This summary of the twelfth juzz covers frm Surah Hud ayah 6 to Surah Yusuf ayah 52.

Beginning of the Twelfth Juz

Sûrah Hûd follows Sûrah Yunus and contains the incidents of many a past nation, describing the punishments that afflicted them because of their disbelief.

Thereafter the Sûrah illustrates the scene of Qiyâmah and the rewards and punishment to be received by various classes of people.

Allâh introduces the Sûrah by saying, "This is a Book, the verses of which have been consolidated and then expounded (coming from) The Wise, The Informed."

Proceeding further, Allâh says, "The responsibility for sustaining every creature on earth rests with Allâh." Allâh then describes how He created the universe. Allâh challenges man to produce Sûrahs the like of those in the Qur'ân if they feel that the Qur'ân is an invention of Rasulullâh.
However, even if they have to call everyone to their assistance, they will never be able to compose anything like the Qur'ân.

May Allâh grant us all the ability to appreciate all the bounties that He has granted us and may He include us among His grateful servants. May Allâh also grant us the Tawfîq to heed His every instruction and may He save us from arrogance and pride. Âamîin.

Allâh states, "And to the Âd We sent their brother Hûd (as a Nabî)." Just as the people of Prophet Nûh remained stubborn in disbelief, the people of Prophet Hûd did the same. Instead of listening to the message of Tawhîd, the Âd exclaimed "Who is more powerful than us?" They were eventually destroyed.

The nation of Thamud followed them. When they refused to accept the message of Prophet Sâlih Alayhis Salâm Allâh's punishment destroyed them as well.

Mention is then made of the people of Prophet Lût who were extremely lewd and immoral. As a result of their depravity, they also suffered the same fate as their sister nations before them.

 Thereafter, Allâh mentions the preaching of Prophet Shu'ayb Alayhis Salâm to the people of Madyan, and then Allâh mentions the preaching of Prophet Mûsa Alayhis Salâm to Fir'aun and his people.

After citing all these incidents Allâh says, "Such is the grasp of your Rabb when He seized a town that is oppressive. Indeed His grasp is painful and severe." (verse 102)

Addressing Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam Allâh says further, "We narrate to you all the narratives of the Ambiyâ so that your heart may be strengthened by them. In these narratives the truth has come to you, as well as advice and a reminder for the Mu'minîn." (verse 120)

Allâh then concludes Sûrah Hûd by saying, "To Allâh belongs the unseen things of the heavens and the earth and unto Him alone will all matters return. So worship Him and rely on Him only. Your Rabb is not unaware of what you do." (verse 123)

Sûrah Yusuf follows Sûrah Hûd. Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam was not aware of the story of Prophet Yusuf so the Jews decided to test his prophethood by, asking him about this story. They thought that he would be unable to narrate the story to them. However, Allâh revealed Sûrah Yusuf to Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam thereby stunning the Jews with its detailed account.

As a youth, Prophet Yusuf once saw in a dream that eleven stars, the sun and the moon were prostrating before him. The eleven stars denoted his eleven step‑brother, while the sun and moon denoted his parents.

When he informed his father Prophet Yaqûb, about the dream, his father advised him not to relate the dream to his brothers because they would be jealous and then become his sworn enemies.

His brothers had always been jealous of Prophet Yusuf and finally threw him in a well one day, making the excuse to their father that a wolf had devoured him.

Some travellers took him out of the well and sold him as a slave to the chief minister of Egypt.

The minister's wife was infatuated with Prophet Yusuf's beauty and attempted to seduce him. When he refused to respond to her charms, she had him imprisoned.

While in prison he accurately interpreted the dreams of two fellow inmates. When one of them was released, he (after some time) referred the king's dream to Prophet Yusuf who interpreted it correctly and even provided a solution for the problem at hand.

As a result, Hadhrat Yusuf became a trusted advisor to the king and practically ruled Egypt.

End of the Twelfth Juz

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Al-Quran: Summary of Juz 11

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh...

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Semoga bermanfaat, Insya Allah.


Summary of Juz 11

The Juz begins with the final quarter of al-Tawbah (Repentance) in which Allah continues to describe the good character of the righteous. Allah confirms that His good pleasure is with the righteous who partake in the purifying act of spending for the sake of Allah and carry out good deeds. He reminds us that every chapter in the Qur’an continues to strengthen the believer. Allah ends this chapter by telling us of the great nature of our Prophet (peace be upon him) and how heavily it weighed upon the Prophet that we would suffer in the life to come. The Juz then covers the entire chapter of Yunus (Jonah) which stresses Allah’s power, the authenticity of the Qur’an and the fate of the evildoers. It also discusses tawhid (Divine Unity), how Allah reveals Himself to man, how the Prophets were rejected and the workings of Allah’s divine grace.

The good and bad qualities of the Arabs are mentioned, then the Muhajiroon (People who migrated from Makkah) and Ansar (People of Madina) are also discussed
Masjid al-Dirar is the next topic and the evil intentions of those who built it are highlighted. It was because of this that Allah’s Messenger was prohibited from praying in there, but at the same time the masjid that is deserving of being prayed in is detailed next. The qualities of those who have sold their souls for the sake of Allah
The Prophet and believers are prohibited from seeking forgiveness for the pagans
The end of al-Tawbah covers the relationship of man towards the Qur’an and their various responses towards it
The chapter of Yunus covers Allah’s signs in creation and similitudes are given proving Allah’s existence and greatness
The pagans are challenged with this Qur’an
Who are the Awliya’? Ponder the verses 10:62-64 carefully so that you may be one of them.

The story of Nuh (Noah) is recounted, followed by the story of Musa (Moses) and Pharaoh. The last moments of Pharaoh just before he drowned are related as a reminder to all.

Allah commands His Prophet to remain firm on faith, to follow the revelation and to be steadfast until Allah’s command comes.

9. Al-Taubah (93-end)
10. Yunus
11. Hud (1-5)

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Al-Quran: Summary of Juz 10

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh...

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Semoga bermanfaat, Insya Allah.


JUZ - 10

This summary of the tenth Juz covers Surah Al Anfal ayah 41 to Surah At Tauba ayah 93.

Beginning of tenth Juz

The tenth Juz commences with mention of booty. Allâh declares, "Know that from whatever spoils of war that you acquire, a fifth of it shall be for Allâh, His messenger, the relatives, the poor, the orphans and the travellers" (verse 41).
The remaining four­-fifths will be distributed among the Mujâhidîn [the Muslim soldiers who fought in the battle].

Allâh then discusses certain details about the Battle of Badr. Allâh addresses the Mu'minîn saying, "Obey Allâh and His Nabî and do not fall into dispute with each other, for then you will become cowardly and your strength will be lost. Be patient, for verily Allâh is with the patient ones." (verse 46)

Allâh commands the Muslims further: "Prepare against them (your enemies) whatever forces of strength you can muster..." (verse 60).
In addition to amassing weapons and battle provisions, Muslims must always have conviction in Allâh's assistance. Allâh then assures the Muslims: "Whatever you may spend in Allâh's way will be given to you in full and you will not be oppressed." (verse 60)

Addressing Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam it, Allâh says, "Oh Nabî Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam, exhort the Mu'minîn to fight." (verse 65).
Allâh informs the Muslims that if they are righteous, resolute and trust firmly in Allâh, they will be able to vanquish an army larger than themselves.

Prisoners of war should not be captured merely with the intention of earning ransom money.

Towards the end of the Sûrah, Muslims are urged to keep religious objectives in mind when migrating or when waging Jihâd. Earning the booty must never be the objective.

Allâh outlines a principle of inheritance at the end of Sûrah Anfâl when He says, ‑Those who are relatives are closer to each other in Allâh's Book. (verse 75)

The next Sûrah is called Sûrah Taubah because it contains mention of the Taubah that Allâh accepted from those who failed to participate in the Battle of Tabûk.

It is also called Sûrah Barâ'ah because Allâh absolves Himself and Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam from what the Kuffâr do (the Arabic word "Barâ'ah" means "to absolve of blame").

This Sûrah mentions the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah which the Mushrikîn of Makkah eventually broke. Allâh declares, "Allâh and His Nabî have absolved themselves of those Mushrikîn with whom you have made a treaty."

Consequently, "The proclamation from Allâh and His Nabî (was made) on the day of the greater Hajj that verily Allâh and His Nabî are absolved of the Mushrikîn." (verses 1 and 3)

After this declaration, all Mushrikîn were banned from entering the Harâm and from performing Tawâf naked.

The Muslims are urged not to take even their closest relatives as friends if they are Kuffâr. Allâh also advises Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam not to accept the lame excuses of the Munâfiqîn (hypocrites) when they are reluctant to fight in Jihâd. Their excuses are all false and the oaths that they take along with the excuses are all false.

Allâh assures Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam that the oaths of the sinners and Munâfiqîn are hollow and should be ignored because these people were never Muslims. Allâh warns Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam that the Munâfiqîn will desert him as soon as they get the opportunity.

Allâh's curse is on the Munâfiqîn men and women because they are alike.

Allâh also forbade Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam from performing the janâzah [funeral] Salâh for the Munâfiqîn.

This Sûrah also details the recipients of zakâh as:
🔹1. The poor
🔹2. Slaves who are buying their freedom
🔹3. The destitute
🔹4. Those in debt
🔹5. The collectors of zakâh
🔹6. Those in "Allâh's path"
🔹7. Those who need to be inclined to Islâm and
🔹8. Travellers.

In brief, Sûrah Taubah contains the following subject matter:
🔸1. Certain battles and related incidents.
🔸2. The treaties with the Mushrikîn and the declaration of exoneration from all Kuffâr and Mushrikîn.
🔸3. Prohibition of fighting during the days of Hajj.
🔸4. Restriction of entry into the Haram for non‑Muslims.
🔸5. The command for the Ahlul Kitâb to either accept Islâm or pay the jizya.
🔸6. Reproaching those who were negligent in participating in Jihâd.
🔸7. Specifying the recipients of zakâh.
🔸8. Identifying the Munâfiqîn and the Mu'minîn.

May Allâh grant us all the Taufîq to practise on the injunctions detailed in this Sûrah. Âmîn.

End of the Tenth Juz

Friday, June 24, 2016

Al-Quran: Summary of Juz 9

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh...

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Semoga bermanfaat, Insya Allah.


JUZ - 9

This summary of the ninth juzz covers from Surah Al A’raf 88 to Surah Al Anfal ayah 40.

Beginning of the Ninth Juz

After narrating these incidents Allâh says, "When your Rabb extracted from the backs of the children of Âdam their progeny and called them to witness over themselves saying, 'Am I not your Rabb?' They replied, 'Certainly! We attest to it.'" (verse 172)

Allâh then says that those people who are greedy and live only to fulfil their desires are like dogs that pant with their tongues hanging out.

Allâh has made Jahannam for these people because "They have hearts with which they cannot understand, they have eyes with which they cannot see and they have ears with which they cannot hear. (In fact) They are like animals, but even more deviated." (verse 179)

Allâh tells Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam it that if the Kuffâr call him a wizard or a madman, he should not heed their taunts and should tell them that he is a warner to them and a bearer of glad tidings to those who will accept his message.

Allâh also explains to Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam that he should bear the harassment of the Kuffâr with tolerance so that any reaction of his should not obstruct the propagation of Islâm.

In verse 199 Allâh enjoins Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam saying, "Adopt forgiveness, enjoin what is right and ignore the ignorant." In addition to this, Allâh also commands Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam to engage in dhikr morning and evening in the heart as well as verbally.

We should pray to Allâh to grant us the ability to accept the Prophethood of Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam both verbally and practically.

May He also grant us conviction in the Âkhirâh and make us among those who can sincerely ask from Him. Âmîin.

Allâh opens Sûrah Anfâl by discussing the distribution of the spoils of war. Allâh says, "The spoils of war are for Allâh and His messenger." (i.e. Rasulullâh would distribute one‑fifth of the booty among those who were deserving).

Thereafter Allâh invokes man saying, "So fear Allâh, correct your mutual relations and obey Allâh and His Nabî if you are believers." (verse 1).

Allâh then described the true Mu'minîn when He says, "The Mu'minîn are those whose hearts tremble when Allâh is mentioned, whose faith [Imân] increases when His verses are recited to them and they trust only in their Rabb. They are those who establish Salâh and spend from what We have provided for them. These are the true Mu'minîn! For them shall be ranks by their Rabb, forgiveness and bountiful sustenance." (verses 2-4)

Allâh then mentions the assistance that He rendered to the Muslims during the Battle of Badr when He sent thousands of angels to fight with them. Allâh also cast fear into the hearts of the Kuffâr despite their overwhelming numbers.

Allâh then declares that there awaits a severe punishment for those who oppose Allâh and Rasulullâh.

Thereafter, Allâh exhorts the Mu'minîn to fight in Jihâd with fervour. Allâh says, "Oh you who believe, when you meet the disbelievers in battle, do not turn your backs to them" (verse 15).

Allâh says that the person who flees from the battlefield because of cowardice shall draw Allâh's wrath upon himself.

Towards the end of the Juz, Allâh says, "Fight them until no anarchy [kufr] exists and all religion (worship) is for Allâh. So if they desist (from kufr and shirk), then indeed Allâh is watchful over what they do. If they turn away, then know that Allâh is your Protecting Friend. What a terrific Friend and what a terrific Helper!' (verses 39 and 40).

End of the ninth Juz

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Al-Quran: Summary of Juz 8

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh...

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Semoga bermanfaat, Insya Allah.


JUZ - 8

This summary of the eighth juz covers the portion from Surah Al Anaam ayahs 111 to ayahs 87 of Surah Al A’raf.

Beginning of Eighth Juz

Allâh swt commands Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam to announce to the people, "Certainly my Rabb has guided me to the straight path ... Surely my Salâh, all my acts of worship, my life and my death are for Allâh, the Rabb of the universe.
He has no partner. With this have I been commanded and I am the first of those who surrender." (Sûrah An'âm, verses 161-163)

The following aspects have been emphasised in this Sûrah:
1.   Never ascribe any partner to Allâh.
2.   Treat parents kindly.
3.   Never slay your children for fear of poverty because Allâh sustains everyone.
4.   Never even come close to acts of promiscuity and immodesty.
5.   Never take the life of any person without a legal right to do so.
6.   Be just when weighing and measuring.
7.   Always speak the truth and implement justice even though it may impact negatively on one's relatives.
8.   Keep your word to Allâh and to fellow man.

Much of Sûrah A'râf concerns about the Âkhirah.

In this regard Allâh swt instructs man to

"Follow what has been revealed to you from your Rabb and, leaving Him aside, do not follow other companions" (verse 3).
Allâh also says, "We shall definitely question those to whom Ambiyâ were sent and We will surely question the Ambiyâ." (verse 6)

People will be questioned about whether they followed the teachings of the Ambiyâ and the Ambiyâ will also be asked whether they fulfilled the task of propagation and about the attitude of their people.

Every person will definitely have to pass the scales to have his/her acts weighed.

Allâh draws man's attention to the fact that rejecting the truth like Qiyâmah and Risâlah [prophethood] is an act of Shaytân.

To illustrate this point, Allâh mentions the disobedience of Shaytân when he refused to prostrate to Hadhrat Âdam when Allâh commanded him to do so.

Allâh warns man not to act in a similar manner. Allâh also mentions that He granted man many favours when He settled him on earth and also granted him honour by commanding the angels to prostrate before Prophet Âdam Alayhis Salâm.

However, despite all these boons, man is still ungrateful.

Later in the Sûrah, Allâh cautions man not to transgress the limits that Allâh has set because "Allâh does not like those who transgress."

Allâh declares that He has forbidden all acts of immodesty, be they secret or public.

He has also forbidden people from ascribing partners to Him and from ascribing false statements to Him. This is referred to in verse 33 where Allâh says, "And that you say against Allâh what you do not know."

In verse 40 Allâh says, "Indeed those who deny our verses and are arrogant towards them, the doors of the heavens will not be opened to them and they will not enter jannah until a camel enters through the eye of a needle." It will therefore be impossible for them to enter Jannah.

On the other hand, the righteous ones have been promised entry into Jannah. Therefore, the Mu'minîn should respond to Allâh's call with hope in His mercy and fear for His punishment because Allâh's mercy is definitely close to the righteous ones.

Thereafter Allâh relates the incidents of several Ambiyâ and states how the nations of these Ambiyâ refused to accept the truth, thereby inviting Allâh's punishment to annihilate them.

These incidents are intended to be lessons for people so that they accept the message of Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam.

End of the eighth Juz