
Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Breaking Boundaries: A World More Populated Online Than Offline

Breaking Boundaries: A World More Populated Online Than Offline

by Huda Sani

In a world that is increasingly becoming digitized, the lines between the virtual and real blur into a vibrant dance of data and connection. Imagine a place where the number of digital denizens surpasses the populations of entire countries – a realm where Facebook's friend count outshines the people strolling the streets of India. 

In the world of social media, big players like Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, and Instagram are like the cool kids on the block with the most friends. They're basically the rulers of the online hangout, where everyone gathers, sharing memes, videos, and messages. They're the A-listers making the internet buzz.

Around the world, everyone's hooked on social media. The top social media platforms have a global user base, with platforms like Facebook and YouTube exceeding 2 billion users. This highlights the widespread adoption of these platforms on a global scale. 

The user counts for platforms like WeChat, Douyin, Kuaishou, and Sina Weibo suggest popularity in specific regions, such as China. Understanding regional preferences and cultural factors can provide insights into the platform's success. It is like each place has its own social media stars. Exploring these trends helps us see what people love in different parts of the world. Social media isn't just global; it is a wild ride through cultural hotspots as well. 

The user counts for major social media platforms, especially Facebook, YouTube, and WhatsApp, are comparable to the populations of large countries like India and China. This suggests the immense scale and impact of social media on a global level.

Multiple accounts and overlapping users are common occurrences. 

It's like wearing different hats for different occasions, but all in the same online world!

Engagingly, the phenomenon of multiple accounts extends even within the same social media platform. Notably, when some platforms host user counts comparable to entire country populations, it hints at individuals juggling multiple accounts.  People often have more than one account on the same social media site, like having different profiles for different things. Think of it like having separate spaces for work and play. When a social media platform has loads of users, it's like a whole country is on there! So, having a few accounts might be because people want to use the platform in different ways – like chatting with friends or following trends. 

Besides, the observation that some social media platforms have user counts approaching or exceeding the populations of large countries may indicate that individuals have accounts on multiple platforms. This could be due to different platforms serving distinct purposes, user preferences, or regional popularity. In essence, people are navigating the social media landscape with a multifaceted approach, engaging in different corners for different experiences.

Evolving Social Media Landscape!

The presence of newer platforms like TikTok and Telegram in the top ranks reflects the dynamic nature of the social media landscape. Emerging platforms can quickly gain widespread popularity, reshaping user preferences and behaviors.

The popularity of messaging apps like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger highlights the increasing role of social media in communication. These platforms have become integral parts of daily interactions for a significant portion of the global population.

Businesses and marketers can leverage the popularity of these social media platforms for advertising, brand promotion, and customer engagement. Understanding the user demographics and preferences on each platform is crucial for effective marketing strategies.

In conclusion, the findings suggest that social media platforms have become central to global communication, with user counts rivaling or surpassing the populations of large countries. The overlap in user counts between social media platforms and world populations may indicate that individuals are active on multiple platforms, reflecting the diverse and interconnected nature of the online social landscape.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Jadi Miskin itu MAHAL - kenapa?

Being Poor Is Expensive: Uncovering the Hidden Costs of Poverty

by HudaSani 

In a world of growing economic disparity, the stark reality is that being poor is expensive. This paradoxical phenomenon may not be immediately apparent, but when we delve into the intricacies of poverty, we discover that the cost of living for the poor is significantly higher compared to their more affluent counterparts. 

Have you ever think why being poor can be financially burdensome and the far-reaching implications it has on individuals and society as a whole.

1. Quantity Premiums: The Burden of Buying in Small Quantities 

One of the foremost reasons why poverty is expensive is the challenge of buying in bulk. For individuals or families living paycheck to paycheck, purchasing goods in larger quantities to benefit from economies of scale is often a luxury they cannot afford. This results in what economists refer to as "quantity premiums." Poor households end up paying more per unit for essential items like food, toiletries, and household supplies, compared to those who can buy in larger quantities.

2. Location Matters: The High Cost of Living in Disadvantaged Areas 

Many impoverished individuals find themselves residing in areas with higher transportation and infrastructure costs. These areas are often characterized by limited access to quality education, healthcare, and job opportunities. As a consequence, the prices of goods and services in these regions are inflated, further straining the financial resources of those already struggling to make ends meet. This disparity in living costs is a stark example of how poverty compounds itself.

Beyond the immediate financial strain, the higher cost of living associated with poverty exacerbates other development challenges, perpetuating the cycle of disadvantage. 

1. Limited Investment in Education and Opportunities 

The poor often find it challenging to invest in education or access opportunities that can lead to long-term benefits. The cycle of poverty restricts their ability to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to escape its grasp. This not only hampers personal growth but also hinders economic development on a broader scale.

2. Environmental Consequences  

Poverty-induced financial constraints may force individuals to opt for cheaper but more environmentally damaging solutions. For instance, using cheaper, less eco-friendly fuel sources becomes a necessity when the cost of cleaner alternatives is prohibitive. This can contribute to increased carbon emissions and environmental degradation, impacting us all.

Tackling the problem of poverty premiums and creating a fairer society requires a multifaceted approach. Here are some strategies to consider:

1. Strengthening Social Protection Systems by implementing robust social safety nets can provide a financial buffer for the poor, helping them avoid high-cost loans and making ends meet during difficult times.

2. Boosting Agricultural Development via investments in agriculture can empower rural communities and reduce their dependence on costly imported food items, thereby lowering overall living costs.

3. Investing in Financial Infrastructure by expanding access to affordable financial services, such as microloans and savings accounts, can help the poor manage their finances more efficiently and escape the poverty trap.

4. Leveraging Innovation by utilizing technological advancements can lead to cost-effective solutions, such as mobile banking and online marketplaces, which can benefit the poor by reducing transaction costs.

5. Efficient Supply Chains will helps streamlining supply chains and reducing intermediaries can lower the prices of essential goods, making them more affordable for everyone.

In conclusion, being poor is undeniably expensive, and this harsh reality perpetuates a cycle of disadvantage that affects individuals and society as a whole. The hidden costs of poverty, from quantity premiums to constrained opportunities and environmental consequences, demand our attention and concerted efforts to address them. By implementing strategies such as strengthening social protection systems, investing in agriculture, and leveraging innovation, we can move closer to a society where the burden of poverty is alleviated, and the cycle of disadvantage is broken, paving the way for a more equitable future.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Kelebihan Simpanan Emas

Emas merupakan aset yang sangat bernilai. Sejak ribuan tahun lalu, emas digunakan sebagai wang sebenar dan terbukti mengekalkan nilainya sehingga hari ini.

Emas yang paling mudah dimiliki. Tak perlu berhutang dan bayar deposit tinggi, boleh mula serendah 1 gram, guna duit poket sendiri!

Ini 1 dinar emas. Pada zaman nabi, nilai 1 dinar emas mampu membeli seekor kambing. Hari ini, 1 dinar emas bernilai sekitar RM1200, juga mampu membeli seekor kambing. Nilai emas tidak susut sejak 1400 tahun lalu.

Tidak hairanlah ianya beberapa kali disebut dalam Al-Qur'an. Tidak seperti duit ringgit, saban tahun nilainya semakin berkurang!

5 Sifat Istimewa Emas 

#1. Takat lebur (melting point) emas ialah 1,064 °C. Kebiasaannya kita membakar kek pada suhu 180°C, kek sudah cukup masak. Pada suhu ini juga duit kertas boleh terbakar dan hangus, logam timah juga boleh cair tetapi emas tidak akan terjejas pada suhu ini.

#2. Emas sukar untuk dimusnahkan. Walaupun dibakar ia tetap jadi ketulan emas semula, tidak reput, tidak busuk, tidak berkarat dan sentiasa bersinar cantik.

#3. Emas tiada tarikh luput. Zaman atau kerajaan telah bertukar tetapi emas terus bernilai dan diterima.

#4. Emas tidak boleh dicipta, dicetak atau dimusnahkan oleh manusia. Nilainya akan semakin meningkat kerana jumlah emas yang ada di muka bumi ini adalah terhad.

#5. Emas adalah konduktor elektrik yang sangat baik. Emas digunakan sebagai logam sentuhan dalam industri elektronik kerana ia merupakan konduktor yang baik bagi kedua-dua elektrik dan haba.

Anda ada soalan? Boleh hubungi saya 

Dapatkan e-book percuma saya di sini :

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

It really hurts when there is no longer hope

 ‎إِنَّا لِلَّهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ

‎أَللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْلَهُ وَارْحَمْهُ وَعَافِهِ وَاعْفُ عَنْهُ

‎Perginya seorang boss, seorang senior, seorang sahabat yang baik yang sangat serasi pada 10 Syawal 1444H seawal jam 0055 am tadi.

Pada tanggal 1 Mei 2023, sambutan hari pekerja, sahabat kami, boss kami, senior kami En Hamzah bin Ismail telah berehat dari penat lelah dan tekanan kerja.

Telah hilang seorang lagi boss dan kawan yang sporting dan serasi, yang kuat mengusik, suka belanja staff dan suka tolong orang. Orang yang chill dan happy, sungguh tak sangka begini kesudahannya.

Banyak kenangan baik-baik dengan Boss dan senior yang seorang ni.
- kena kunci luar bilik mesyuarat #anakbuahterjal
- pow boss makan minum macam-macam. sebab boss nak pahala kan. 
- boss back up masa perang dingin dengan boss besar no satu, sampai en hamzah nyatakan sokongan penuh untuk saya bawa diri lari g jepun.
- bagi pinjam router masa kat jepun.
- en hamzah pinjam laptop sis lebih dari satu sem untuk siapkan thesis dan assignment beliau.
- jual meja ikea kat beliau.
- tayar bengkak, tayar salah pam, salah isi minyak kereta - semua boleh tanya dia.
- baca artikel tak faham - boleh wasap dia suruh explain.
- rakan gosip yang sporting.
- rakan main game

Ya Allah - kehilangan yang sangat menyedihkan dan paling tidak disangka-sangka.
Lepas ni tak ada dah rakan gosip, mentor dan senior yang reliable untuk diharapkan.
Kesedihan paling dalam sama macam kehilangan arwah nurulhuda pada 22 Mei 2022 yang lalu.
kehilangan yang masih belum terubat, disusuli kehilangan en hamzah pula pada 1 Mei 2023.


Ya Allah ampuni En Hamzah bin Ismail,
rahmati dia,
maafkan dia,
muliakan kematian dia,
lapangkan kubur dia,
rezekikan dia syurga tanpa hisab tanpa azab,
jadikanlah syurga sebagai ganti tempat tinggal dia dan
berilah kesabaran kepada ahli keluarganya, ibunya, isterinya dan anak² nya.

Ya Allah tempatkan En Hamzah di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman dan yang Engkau kasihi.

Ameen Ya Rabb


‎بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَـنِ ٱلرَّحِيم
‎ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ ٱلْعَـلَمِين۞ ٱلرَّحْمَـنِ ٱلرَّحِيم۞
‎مَـلِكِ يَوْمِ ٱلدِّين۞إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ۞ ٱهْدِنَا ٱلصِّرَطَ ٱلْمُسْتَقِيمَ۞صِرَطَ ٱلَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ۞ غَيْرِ ٱلْمَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلاَ ٱلضَّاۤلِّينَ

cukuplah kematian menjadi peringatan yang paling menginsafkan.

mari kita betulkan niat dan kerja kerana Allah utk negara yang tercinta.

Rasulullah SAW bersabda:

Maksudnya: “Barangsiapa mencari rezeki halal untuk menjaga diri daripada meminta-minta, dan dengan tujuan memenuhi nafkah keluarga, serta supaya dapat membantu tetangganya, nescaya dia akan datang pada hari Kiamat dengan wajahnya yang berseri-seri seperti bulan di malam purnama.”

Riwayat al-Baihaqi dalam Syu’ab al-Iman (9890) dan
al-Tabarani dalam Musnad al-Syamiyyin (3465)