
Monday, September 30, 2024

Falling in Love with Xi'an: A Journey to Remember


It’s been ages since I last wrote a personal travel entry on this blog.

Phewww... (Blows scarf dramatically).

This post is a bit of a throwback, as I can’t help but reminisce about my time in Xi'an—39 days filled with incredible memories and the warmest local people.

Xi'an has left a lasting impression on me, and I still find myself reflecting on the ups and downs I experienced there. From battling a fever alone, feeling surrounded yet solitary, to dealing with some less-than-pleasant people in my team. Ah, those days were a test, especially when you’re being "bullied" by people who should know better. It was far from enjoyable.

But here's the silver lining: Allah protected me. He guarded my tongue from retaliating, kept me from responding to their bad behavior with more of the same. In the most miraculous way, I could still smile, speak kindly, and carry on with grace. And this wasn’t out of force—it was sincere, a conscious decision to not let bitterness or anger take over.

Masha Allah, Allah is indeed the Most Merciful. He replaced those moments of hardship with unforgettable experiences and made the rest of my time in Xi'an incredibly smooth and enjoyable. Truly, He is the best of planners.

In Xi'an, I met so many kind souls, from the friendly people at the mosque on Muslim Street, who welcomed me with open arms, to my wonderful experience studying at XIDIAN University, which truly expanded my knowledge and skills. The thrill of cycling around the historic City Wall was also a highlight—an incredible way to take in the ancient architecture and feel the city's vibrant energy. And, of course, I can’t forget the breathtaking Huashan trip, where every step of the challenging climb was worth it for the stunning views.

It was a blessing to be surrounded by such goodness. But it's been so long since I’ve written a blog post, I’m not even sure how to start anymore. Haha... how sad! 😂 

Well, let me begin by sharing a video of my outing with Kak Fitri and Lim to Muslim Street. 

I'll find time later to write more about my Huashan adventure, my cycling experience at the City Wall, and my study at XIDIAN University.

Stay tuned!