
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Kenapa Pakai Tudung? Why we're wearing Hijab?

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh ...

Ohayo gozaiamsu ...  Ogenkidesuka minna san ... Oshashiburi desu .... 
(sambil bayang muka comel awek Jepun ... ) 

Okay .. entri ini dibuat sebab terilham dengan pertanyaan di blog blogger #Malaysian@German Sis Aisya tentang satu entri beliau on Kenapa Pakai Tudung?

Menurut Aisya ... makcik yang beliau temui dalam perjalanan beliau ke tempat kerja telah menanyakan soalan cepu cemas kepada beliau berbunyi begini (Sila korang bunyikan di Apps translator masing-masing... hahahaha) :

Makcik German : 
''Warum tragen Sie Kopftuch?"
(Maksud: Kenapa kamu pakai tudung?)

Aisya de Malaysian :
"Das ist Wort von Gott, deshalb folge ich"
(Maksud: Ia adalah suruhan dari Tuhan, sebab tuh saya ikut)

Good job Aisya ... Alhamdulillah Allah beri hidayah untuk awak menjawabnya ... 

Aisya de Malaysian cakap tulis dekat blog beliau...

Aku serius takde idea, terkedu, tercengang, taktau nak jawap apa. Korang kalau ada cadangan jawapan yang best-best sikit, meh share. Lain kali takdelah aku terkedu depan orang lagi kann. Hihihi. I should have prepared myself before hand, tengok sekarang apa dah jadi! Aisya, Aisya! *Slap myself!*

By reading her entry, Aisya gave me another perception or thought ... Hmmm we are as muslim ... Pernah tak terfikir KENAPA KITA PAKAI TUDUNG ???

  • Mungkin tak sebab mak suruh ?
  • Mungkin tak sebab Ustazah kat skolah suruh?
  • Mungkin tak sebab rambut kita tak cantik macam kena renjatan elektrik?
  • Mungkin tak sebab kita "nak nampak muslimah melayu terakhir?
  • mungkin kah mungkin ... apa kah kemungkinan yang menyebabkan saya, awak dan kita semua pakai tudung?
Sob sob sob ...  persoalan yang buat aku juga termenung panjang dan menginsafkan diri ... 

Aku pernah menulis beberapa entri tentang aurat.  Jika berminat boleh baca di sini:

Ini antara sembang-sembang yang pernah aku contengkan dalam blog ini ... Namun ... persoalan Aisya tentang Why I am wearing a Hijab ... telah membawa aku teringat akan satu brochure yang pernah aku dapat semasa aku di Australia (banyak brochure tu - korang boleh download SEMUA FOR FREE HERE

Why we re wearing Hijab?

Yes Aisya - you re right ... Kita pakai tudung sebab Allah perintahkan kita untuk menutup aurat .. menerusi firman Allah menerusi surah An-Nur dan Surah Al-Ahzab .. 

Maksudnya: {Dan janganlah mereka (wanita) menampakkan perhiasannya kecuali apa yang biasa nampak daripadanya dan hendaklah mereka menutup kain tudung mereka hingga ke bawah dada}. [An-Nur: 31].

Firman Allah SWT lagi, 

Maksudnya: {Wahai Nabi, katakanlah kepada isteri-isteri dan anak-anak perempuan kamu serta kepada para isteri orang mukmin sekalian, hendaklah menghulurkan JILBAB mereka ke seluruh tubuh badan mereka kerana dengan itu mereka akan mudah dikenali (sebagai wanita mukminah) dan mereka selamat daripada gangguan. Dan sesungguhnya Allah itu Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang}. [Al-Ahzab: 59].

Aku share sikit content pamphlet tu ye : 
(the rest you guys can explore further HERE : )

The Hijab is Obedience
Although there are many benefits of Hijab, it is first and foremost a commandment from God. Therefore, wearing it is an act of faith and obedience to The Creator, as mentioned in the Quran:

“Tell the believing women to draw their outer garments around them (when they go out or are among men).”Quran 33:59
God, the All-Wise, knows what is best for His creation, and has therefore provided guidance in order to benefit humankind. The wearing of hijab, just like any other act of obedience to The Creator, brings one closer to their Lord and helps bring a sense of satisfaction and contentment to the person wearing it. The Hijab in no way suggests that women are inferior to men.

The Hijab is Modesty
Islam promotes modesty and decency and seeks to minimise immorality within society. The Hijab, amongst other things, helps attain this goal.

“Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: That is purer for them; and Allah is well acquainted with all that they do. And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty. They should not display their beauty except that which is apparent; that they should draw their veils over their chests and not display their beauty…”Quran 24:30-31
Note that in the above verses, it is men who are addressed first in regards to lowering their gaze and guarding their modesty. This counters the claim that all responsibility for such modesty is shouldered by women.

While Islam discourages public displays of immodest dress and sexual behavior, being a practical religion, Islam encourages love, affection and intimacy between married couples in private.

The Hijab is Protection
The wisdom behind the Hijab is to minimise sexual enticement and moral degradation in society as much as possible for both men and women. The Hijab helps protect men, women and society by creating stability in both families and communities in a number of ways:

Shields from unwanted advances.
Shields women from perverted looks and superficial scrutiny.
May help reduce the likelihood of sexual assaults against women.
Shields from sexual exploitation of women based on appearance.
Shields from temptations and harmful desires.

The Hijab is Dignity
The Hijab promotes a woman’s femininity rather than suppressing it, and grants women dignity and self-respect for who they are, as opposed to being judged by superficial standards, such as appearance. This grants women the power to shape their own dignity via more meaningful standards, such as righteousness, knowledge and societal contribution, rather than having a consumer society dictate their worth through material means, such as how they look or how much money they earn. In the sight of God, men and women do not have to be identical in order to be equal, and this is reflected in the different roles and responsibilities which apply to each.

Nobel Peace Prize winner, Tawakkul Karman, ‘The mother of Yemen’s revolution,’ when asked about her Hijab by journalists and how it is not proportionate with her level of intellect and education, replied:

“Man in early times was almost naked, and as his intellect evolved he started wearing clothes. What I am today and what I’m wearing represents the highest level of thought and civilization that man has achieved, and is not regressive. It’s the removal of clothes again that is a regression back to the ancient times.”

The Hijab is Respect
In a number of societies today, many women are taught from early childhood that their worth is proportional to their attractiveness. They are compelled to follow unrealistic and demeaning standards of beauty in order to satisfy unreasonable peer pressure and community expectations. In such a superficial environment, where so much emphasis is placed on external beauty, the internal beauty of the individual counts for very little.

Islam however, teaches that a woman is to be respected according to her virtuous character and actions rather than by her looks or physical features, of which she has little or no control. She does not have to use her body and charms to gain recognition or acceptance in society, as the Hijab directs self-worth away from appearance and onto qualities such as piety, virtue, modesty and intellect – attributes which are more equally accessible to all.

Every woman who wears a hijab or burqa is a unique individual, and it is unfair and inaccurate to make a sweeping judgement about all such women based on one item of clothing they have in common.

The Hijab is Confidence
The Hijab enables women to have confidence in themselves as human beings. It increases the self-esteem of women by allowing them to focus on what really matters in life. The obsession with physical appearance can have dangerous and unhealthy consequences, as some women go to harmful lengths in order to feel accepted by an increasingly demanding society. The Hijab helps prevent such mental and physical harms associated with a lack of confidence, by limiting self-consciousness based on appearance.

“I don’t wear it because I am oppressed, I wear it because I am empowered.”Joumana, 23, Melbourne ...


Semoga bermanfaat semua ... Insya Allah.



  1. Thanks for sharing this, kak. Selalu kalau orang tanya saya, saya jawab yang hijab is obedience and modesty tu je.

  2. Kefahaman maksud berhijab walau pada awalnya sekadar ikut-ikut tapi bila sudah memahami pasti dpt tahu akan hikmah disebaliknya dan nikmat darinya.

  3. pernah ditanya oleh kawan office (cina), I cakap simple je kan, sebab suruhan Allah dan hijab melambangkan kesucian dan terpelihara.. Dia sendiri mengaku lebih hormat perempuan berhijab..

    1. Tu lah... sy x pnh lg ada yg tanya ...


  4. sy kalu ditembak soklan gitu pun pening2 nk jawab. tp jawapan sy, bkn pakai tudung tp sy ikut perintah utk tutup aurat ;-)

    1. Hihi.... bagus lh korang ..
      Surrounding sy x pnh ty... hihi

  5. zaman sekarang ramai tak embrace konsep hijab yang sebenarnya.entahlah..semoga pemakaian kita dan akhlak seiring..

    1. Betul cik sal...
      semoga pemakaian kita dan akhlak seiring..

  6. terbaik perkongsian ini....singgah sini dari

  7. kdg konsep kita bertudung ni adakalanya tidak menepati syariah....coz bertudung xsemestinya tutup aurat....Allahualam....moga kita diberi hidayah.... :)

  8. kalau org tanya..sis JM cakap...menurut Perintah Allah but im not perfect still not perfect

  9. Tak pernah lagi orang tanya, mungkin pertayaan itu buat yana terdiam, mungkin. dalam hikmahnya bawa kita renung balik niat dan tujuan kita

  10. tak pernah lagi ada yang bertanya ... tak reti juga nak menjawab :p

    pakai tudung sejak darjah lima lagi sebab ustaz asyik cerita dosa dan neraka. kecil lagi kan, mestilah takut azab neraka. terima kasih sangat kat ustaz tu :)

  11. gambar nota yang beli henfon tu ... deep sungguh la :)


Nak Komen?
Silakan.Moga beri komen yang bermanfaat. Setiap yang kita tulis Allah akan nilai.Betul tak? (*_*)