
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Penyelamat saya ... #mungkinSaja

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh ...

Selfnote .
Self reminder .

Susahnya nak jadi baik.
#Doakan Saya plisss.

Significance of Good Deeds:

You have returned home and you are tired, you have carried groceries required at home....suddenly your mum asks : " have you brought me milk?!"
Smile and tell her "give me a minute I will go and get you some!"
maybe the prayer she will pray for you could be the one to save you....!

Your dad says" So and so! Come and take me to the doctor, I have an appointment" reply "Alright"....He says to you "May Allah bless you"......
This could be that which will save you......!

You are praying, and your baby is playing next to you, and all of a sudden jumps on your back while you are in Sijda position ...! Don't be upset be patient, and prolong your Sijda for that,....
this could be that which will save you.....!!

You quench a tired worker's thirst by offering glass of cold water ...
 this could be that which will save you.

You place grains of rice where birds can eat.
This could be that which will save you....!!

You find dirt along your way and you remove it...
this could be that which will save you.....!!

You give left over food to the cats for them to eat.....
This could be that which will save you....!!

A person provokes you and you say "May Allah forgive you"... 
this could be that which will save you......!!

You are reading a verse from the Quran and a tear falls from your eye......
👉 this could be that which might save you.....!!

You pass by and find youngsters disobeying Allah, you stop to give them Daawah and counsel them.
👉 this could be that which will save you.

You see a woman revealing her lower your gaze and make istighfar...
👉 this could be that which will save you. ...!!

Someone annoys you and you want to punch him then you remember Allah's words.....
<And those who hold their anger and forgive people.....> you control your anger and forgive...
this could be that which will save you.

You get to know of someone's shameful act and you don't spread that information but keep it to yourself...
this could be that which will save you !!

I bear witness that there is no God worthy of worship but Allah alone, he has no associates........
If you save an ant from drowning in water...
then this act won't go in vain in front of Allah SWT. ....

We don't know which small deeds which we don't bear in mind could be the ones to speak for us on the day of judgement!!  therefore don't look down upon any good deed.

*always keep repeating to yourself in speech of a good deed you intend to do .... this could be that which will save you then you will see how your life will be transformed.....!!

Allow me to circulate this information. I don't know ....this could be that which will save me ...

Semoga bermanfaat.


  1. Sungguh kita tak tahu mana satu yg menjadi penyelamat kita
    Yg penting kena istiqomah melakukan yg terbaik walau kelihatan sikit.

  2. I really want tu punch and beat someone nowadays..sigh..

  3. Yg penting keihklasan dlm sesuatu dan bkn sng nk ikhlas tanpa hrp blsn dan mengungkit..nice post

  4. kebaikan walau sebesar zarah, Inshaa Allah, akan dinilai oleh Allah SWT, yg penting ikhlas dn istiqomah..

    nice sharing..

  5. setiap kebaikan akan dihitung, walau sebesar zarah..good sharing huda!


Nak Komen?
Silakan.Moga beri komen yang bermanfaat. Setiap yang kita tulis Allah akan nilai.Betul tak? (*_*)