
Friday, July 3, 2009

grass fragrance - type

Am I? I did one test dis morning sent by mai.... before starting my job, just take a look on this test and finally i have attached result.
dunno la nak agree or not, but i do agree with dis statements:
"at 1st glance you place yourself on a pedestal, and are difficult to get along. But once others talk to you, they know you are easygoing"
"only people who know your trueself can maintain a long-lasting relationship with you"
i do agree with dat 2 statements... the rest, erm i don't think so la especially "you might look cool on the surface" .... all my gud frens know clearly tat i'm not tat type of cool person... always kelam kabut all the time....


  1. Hmmm..I agree with that too..remember the time when we first met at PSZ..hehehe..kenangan lama beb

  2. hahaha...seb baik ko tak jatuh tangga dengan ke SOMBONGAN aku kan.... muka bajet bagus jer....
    aku sombong ker ha???? gagagagaga...
    tak payah jawab k....

  3. Last time saudara ada mnyntuh isu bersalaman......

    Rancangan "Tanyalah Ustaz" di TV9 pkul7-8 pagi ada menyentuh persoalan ini....3hari berturut2....jumaat, sabtu n ahad(3-5 Julai).....

    "kalau tgk aurat dah haram, bersentuhan lagi la haram".....

  4. Salams sis.. How are you ? I think we share same character. If they do not know me, they would think I'm kind of snobbish type. Lol. But it's really hard to be friendly. I always trying to have good conversation with strangers. If not, they find out I'm a boring one. But, it's kind of true.

  5. salam...
    dobleh: TQVM. if possible, give further explaination. recently busy with many things, tak ada masa untuk tonton sebarang siaran termasuklah wonderpets :)

    jom turun PJAYA... Blh blanja makan sate kajang...
    hmmm tak apa, walau apa pun kita, kita perlu jelas dengan prinsip yang kita pegang. susah juga kalau nak dengar semua pendapat orang...erm dengar boleh, tapi dengar dan tapis secara berhemah dan berhikmah...Insya Allah...

  6. salams sis. hajatnya jugak nak turun KL. sebab belum jumpa sorang lagi kakak saya. baru ni, dia tak boleh cuti. tapi, tak tahu lagi bila boleh gi. sibuk sikit kat Qlate, dengan anak2 buah saya yang nakal dan ziarah sanak saudara. InsyaAllah, kalau kelapangan, saya akan contact akak.


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Silakan.Moga beri komen yang bermanfaat. Setiap yang kita tulis Allah akan nilai.Betul tak? (*_*)