
Monday, February 7, 2011

We are never ever the same

...Assalamualaikum wbt...

Some People Come Into Our Lives and
Quickly Go...

Some stay for a while and
Leave footprints on our HEARTS...


We are never ever the same

(note: recived this quotes so call "edisi bookmark" by my sahabat; Ili Izyan Safuraa on 2001)
with her remark "ili sayang huda"
huda sayang ili juga... frenship abadan abada... insya Allah

hehehe... tadi jumpa album lama, masa tgh melangut fikir macam mana lah nak balik Pjaya ne, dan terjumpa bookmark ne dalam album... memang memorable lah kenangan 10 tahun dulu... dulu hobby kami buat bookmark sebab banyak benar buku yang perlu kami 'MARK'...
tapi ili sangat kreatif, otak jiwang, pandai lukis, tapi terror science... camno tu... hehehe...

ili...saya ingin jumpa orang itu... huhuhu...


  1. makasih!terharu gak nama aku dlm post ni ngee~

    nak jumpa orang tu? meh kita wat appointment dgn dia...mahu?

  2. mahu... sila jumpa nnt ya... make sure ko dok single room... ko sharing, siap ko... hehehe.... aku usir roomate ko


Nak Komen?
Silakan.Moga beri komen yang bermanfaat. Setiap yang kita tulis Allah akan nilai.Betul tak? (*_*)