
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Jom... jihad jadi baik...

Anas relates that, “We asked the Prophet , ‘O Messenger of Allah , shouldn’t we refrain from calling others to goodness if we don’t practice all good things ourselves, and shouldn’t we refrain from forbidding wrong things until we ourselves have abstained from all the bad?’ ‘No,’ he replied, ‘You should call others to goodness even if you don’t do all good, and you should forbid bad things even if you don’t abstain from all of them yourselves.’” 

Remember that by wearing hijab you are not saying to others ‘I am Islam’, but simply that ‘I am a Muslim’, meaning – I am someone who is trying to follow this religion, who accepts it as truth, sees beauty in it and hopes to beautify myself with it. I remember a quote attributed to Yusuf Islam: “Islam is not a state of being but it is a process of becoming,” – becoming more, become better, striving to reach that state of perfect submission and connection with Allah Most High, and May He help all of us achieve that, ameen.

Semoga bermanfaat...

full article from here ---> Taking Off  The Hijabb


perhaps we should not judge a person as "manusia hodoh/ bodoh or watever"  just because we are not aligned together + because appearance against their behavior.
everyone makes mistakes. what is de most important is to learn from mistakes. We are busy judging others, are we so perfect, then?...

jangan takut nak pakai tudung/ labuhkan tudung anda/ usaha utk tutup aurat dengan sempurna sebab nanti orang kata "eleh, pakai tudung pun perangai huduh nak buat apa"... erk???  jangan ambil hati sangat dengan kata2 sebegitu sebab Allah knows best... yang penting kena usaha untuk jadi baik setiap ketika... kalau buat salah, mintalah maaf... janganlah pula dah buat salah tapi rasa2/buat2 macam tak bersalah pula. okay...;-)

1 comment:

  1. Cantik perkongsian ni nhhas, ummi suka. Tepat sekali..bila Allah ingin memberi hidayah, mereka yang dianggap 'kurang baik', mungkin satu hari nanti akan menjadi jauh lebih baik dari kita kan!.
    Semoga Allah melindungi hati kita..


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