
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Al-Quran: Summary of Juz 7

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh...

Catatan ini saya copy n paste dari salah satu group WA yang saya sertai.
Saya mungkin tidak teliti dan tidak pakar dalam menyemak sama ada content ini tepat atau tidak.  Justeru jika kalian terjumpa sebarang kesalahan atau keraguan pada mana-mana content catatan ini, mohon maklumkan untuk semakan dan pembetulan segera.  
Semoga bermanfaat, Insya Allah.



In this Juz, Allah concludes the chapter of al-Ma’idah (Table Spread) with a number of rulings on oath-taking, game and hunting and the prohibition of alcohol. 

In a continuing theme running through this chapter, the final verses of the chapter are concerning Christianity, the miracles of Esa ( Jesus) and the story from which the chapter takes it name. 

The chapter ends by confirming that Esa never claimed divinity for himself. 

The Juz also contains the first part of the 6th chapter of the Qur’an, al-An’am (the Cattle). 
This chapter is named after the superstitious practices of the pre-Islamic Arabs but is, in essence, a many sided argument against mankind’s tendency to associate partners with Allah, be it directly or indirectly.

Those People of the Book who are closest to us and those who are furthest from us
Rules and regulations on oath-taking, alcohol and gambling, hunting whilst in ihram (a sacred state which Muslims enter upon travelling for Umrah (lesser pilgrimage), wills, bearing testimony and witnessing.

The discussion between Allah and Esa clearing him of any claims to divinity
Tawhid (Divine Unity), Resurrection and Prophethood in al-An’am.

The story of Ibrahim (Abraham) and his father, his debate with his nation and details of his descendants.

Iman (Faith) is strengthened by contemplating upon the creation because this leads to greater veneration of Allah, it's Creator.
5. Al-Ma’idah (82-end)
6. Al-An’am (1-110)


  1. kisah nabi ibrahim dan ayahnya... adham kalau x silap sy

  2. Good sharing Huda.
    Kakak ada tafsiran al-quran dlm bahasa melayu lengkap. Bukan tafsir yg translate satu ayat arab satu ayat melayu. Ini the whole book tafsir in bahasa.

    1. Tu masalahnya kak.
      segala macam keluaran tafsir dan terjemahan saya ada...

      Tapi tak pernah habis baca.

      Sekurang2 nya dengan saya paste summary setiap juzuk ni... dapat juga lah saya baca content dalam setiap chapter walaupun ringkas.

      Dan dengan menampal nya di sini ianya telah dapat force saya terus buka Quran dan baca terjemahan...walau malas tulis kat sini...

      But dis effort is good for me... at least...
      i hope dia can benefit and encourage others too... insya Allah...


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Silakan.Moga beri komen yang bermanfaat. Setiap yang kita tulis Allah akan nilai.Betul tak? (*_*)