
Friday, June 24, 2016

Al-Quran: Summary of Juz 9

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh...

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Semoga bermanfaat, Insya Allah.


JUZ - 9

This summary of the ninth juzz covers from Surah Al A’raf 88 to Surah Al Anfal ayah 40.

Beginning of the Ninth Juz

After narrating these incidents Allâh says, "When your Rabb extracted from the backs of the children of Âdam their progeny and called them to witness over themselves saying, 'Am I not your Rabb?' They replied, 'Certainly! We attest to it.'" (verse 172)

Allâh then says that those people who are greedy and live only to fulfil their desires are like dogs that pant with their tongues hanging out.

Allâh has made Jahannam for these people because "They have hearts with which they cannot understand, they have eyes with which they cannot see and they have ears with which they cannot hear. (In fact) They are like animals, but even more deviated." (verse 179)

Allâh tells Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam it that if the Kuffâr call him a wizard or a madman, he should not heed their taunts and should tell them that he is a warner to them and a bearer of glad tidings to those who will accept his message.

Allâh also explains to Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam that he should bear the harassment of the Kuffâr with tolerance so that any reaction of his should not obstruct the propagation of Islâm.

In verse 199 Allâh enjoins Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam saying, "Adopt forgiveness, enjoin what is right and ignore the ignorant." In addition to this, Allâh also commands Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam to engage in dhikr morning and evening in the heart as well as verbally.

We should pray to Allâh to grant us the ability to accept the Prophethood of Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam both verbally and practically.

May He also grant us conviction in the Âkhirâh and make us among those who can sincerely ask from Him. Âmîin.

Allâh opens Sûrah Anfâl by discussing the distribution of the spoils of war. Allâh says, "The spoils of war are for Allâh and His messenger." (i.e. Rasulullâh would distribute one‑fifth of the booty among those who were deserving).

Thereafter Allâh invokes man saying, "So fear Allâh, correct your mutual relations and obey Allâh and His Nabî if you are believers." (verse 1).

Allâh then described the true Mu'minîn when He says, "The Mu'minîn are those whose hearts tremble when Allâh is mentioned, whose faith [Imân] increases when His verses are recited to them and they trust only in their Rabb. They are those who establish Salâh and spend from what We have provided for them. These are the true Mu'minîn! For them shall be ranks by their Rabb, forgiveness and bountiful sustenance." (verses 2-4)

Allâh then mentions the assistance that He rendered to the Muslims during the Battle of Badr when He sent thousands of angels to fight with them. Allâh also cast fear into the hearts of the Kuffâr despite their overwhelming numbers.

Allâh then declares that there awaits a severe punishment for those who oppose Allâh and Rasulullâh.

Thereafter, Allâh exhorts the Mu'minîn to fight in Jihâd with fervour. Allâh says, "Oh you who believe, when you meet the disbelievers in battle, do not turn your backs to them" (verse 15).

Allâh says that the person who flees from the battlefield because of cowardice shall draw Allâh's wrath upon himself.

Towards the end of the Juz, Allâh says, "Fight them until no anarchy [kufr] exists and all religion (worship) is for Allâh. So if they desist (from kufr and shirk), then indeed Allâh is watchful over what they do. If they turn away, then know that Allâh is your Protecting Friend. What a terrific Friend and what a terrific Helper!' (verses 39 and 40).

End of the ninth Juz


  1. Semoga kita menjadi ummat Muhammad yg kuat. Lihatlah betapa baginda kuat dan cekalnya berdepan dgn masyarakat kuffar. Perjalanan kita terlalu mudah utk beribadah tapi iman kita tak sekuat baginda... malunya ya Allah.


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