Monday, July 18, 2016

Gelandangan vs Soup Kitchen - Apa tu?

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh ...
Korang apa khabar?  Lama tak sembang santai dengan korangkan ... Ada ke lagi orang baca belog aku ni - ntah - kih kih kih ... 
Okay - hari ini aku nak sembang tentang GELANDANGAN ...  Korang tau apa tu gelandangan? Bila pertama kali korang dengar pasal gelandangan?  Ha asal-usulnya - aku memang tidak langsung mengetahui apa or siapa itu GELANDANGAN... 
Tapi homeless tahu pulak ... (memang statement cari pasal - sila jangan kecam saya poyo atau kerek atau berlagak - kih kih kih ).
Menurut petikan dari web astro awani di SINI; Statistik yang dikeluarkan oleh DBKL pada tahun 2015 terhadap bilangan di sekitar ibu kota adalah seramai 2000 orang (sila ambil kira +- 5% ralat).  Dan aku percaya jumlah ini akan semakin ramai - lantaran kos sara hidup yang semakin membebankan.   
Back to my story ... aku juga pernah dengar tentang soup kitchen - tapi aku dengar tentang soup kitchen ni sekitar tahun 2012/2013 - tapi takat dengar je lah - nak join - tapi aku ada komitment yang lain ... setiap kali berniat nak turun padang membantu - sentiasa ada halangan ... 

So - apa pulak soup kitchen tu?  dapur yang memasak sup? Apa kaitan pulak dengan gelandangan?  Ha ni nak sembang ni ... 
Soup kitchen ni - kalau ikut bahasa aku - dikira macam street kitchen lah ... (hoi dah street kitchen pulak) ... okay-okay sorry ...

Soup kitchen ni kira macam "dapur jalanan" lah ... yang tujuan kewujudannya adalah untuk menyediakan makanan asas kepada mereka yang kelaparan - BUKAN KERANA MEREKA MALAS atau mencari jalan mudah untuk "meminta" ... tetapi kerana mereka tidak mampu untuk mendapatkan makanan yang mencukupi atau pemakanan yang betul.

Golongan yang memerlukan ini - bukanlah golongan-golongan yang kita kategorikan sebagai "sampah masyarakat" semata-mata - macam penagih dadah dilorong-lorong gelap di ibu kota tu ... tak ... definitely NOT. 

Mereka yang memerlukan ini terdiri dari KANAK-KANAK, IBU BAPA dan ORANG TUA, PELAJAR, etc.  Tak semestinya homeless - boleh jadi orang yang sangat miskin - tak cukup duit nak makan, student - yang tak ada biasiswa/ sumber kewangan - etc.

Soup kitchen ni sebenarnya boleh didapati di kebanyakan bandar-bandar di dunia. Bukan Malaysia je. Yeah - aku rasa kat oversea lagi ramai NGO yang prihatin dengan golongan-golongan macam ni ...

Kat malaysia ni - yang familiar yang selalu aku dengar - or pernah acah-acah nak join jadi sukarelawan - tapi tak ter join join juga sampai ke sudah ... ialah charity right  yang diuruskan oleh mercymission 

Selain MM ... ada satu lagi NGO operate by LOCAL people yang menguruskan tentang SOUP KITCHEN ni - kalau korang pernah dengar - PERTIWIKitchen Soup.  Ha ... siapa pulak PERTIWI ni ?

PERTIWI - ialah singkatan bagi Pertubuhan Tindakan Wanita Islam.  Dah lama wujud ni - since 1967 uols - I pun belum lahir lagi ... 
Apa yang PERTIWI dah buat? 
Siapa PERTIWI ?  
Perinciannya, korang pergi baca sendiri kat web PERTIWI ye ( ...

Secara ringkas, PERTIWI ni organize 4 projek utama iaitu : 
  • PERTIWI SOUP KITCHEN - to provide food aid services to homeless and hard-core poor.
  • PERTIWI HEALTH SERVICES - To provide basic medical service for the benefit of the poor.
  • KASIH PERTIWI - A home for HIV+ children, in collaboration with Hong Leong Islamic Bank.
  • FOSTER CHILD PROJECT - To help students who have academic potential but lack financial means.
Tapi hari ini, aku nak share tentang PERTIWI SOUP KITCHEN ... 
(aku paste dalam BI - boleh ye?  Jangan kecam aku ye ... ) 

PERTIWI Soup Kitchen project was established to provide regular meals at various locations around Kuala Lumpur on a regular basis. 
This community outreach effort is established and managed by Pertubuhan Tindakan Wanita Islam (PERTIWI), one of Malaysia’s longest running NGOs, with the support of corporate and individual sponsors.
Soup kitchens provide an important way to give back to the community by offering a healthy meal to those who are in need. The few soup kitchens that do operate in Kuala Lumpur are already providing this critical service but there are still too many hard-core poor and homeless people in our city who are unable to eat on a daily basis. This project complements these existing efforts by working towards the following objectives:
  • To distribute basic pre-packaged healthy meals and clean water 4 nights a week in inner-city neighbourhoods where various recipient groups are located.
  • To raise awareness of the number of hard-core poor in our city.
  • To encourage corporate and media sponsorship, and regular volunteer participation to feed the hungry.
  • To operate the programme in a sustainable manner that will enable it to serve an increasing number of people.
PERTIWI Soup Kitchen provides a humanitarian food-aid service to the homeless and hard-core poor irrespective of race or religion. By interacting with various destitute inner-city communities on a regular basis, additional support has been given to assist those who are ready to become more independent. PERTIWI medical service helps those who seek basic treatment for common ailments.

Tujuan utama ketika aku mula-mula turut serta - sebenarnya bukan sebab apa sangat - sebab aku tau tanpa aku pun charity service ni tetap dan telah berjalan dengan jayanya. Aku ada projek-projek lain juga yang telah lama dijalankan dengan team yang lain for various obejctive and different target people but with same niat - nak tolong orang yang memerlukan, insya Allah.  

So why I join feed de homeless project ni?  Salah satu sebabnya - aku nak betulkan stigma pemikiran - bukan semua orang yang duduk bergelandangan ni nak hidup macam tu - tak ada orang yang sengaja nak hidup susah sebab malas - (walaupun ada juga ramai spesis malas yang mengambil kesempatan - kita maafkan je lah - dan doakan mereka) ... Sebenarnya ada macam-macam kisah kenapa diaorang ni bergelandangan.  Ada yang dibuang keluarga, ada yang ditipu ahli keluarga sampai dia jadi muflis tak ada duhet - kena tidur bawah jambatan - dia ada kerja - dia graduate - tapi dia tak mampu nak sewa rumah / bilik due to kos yang sangat tinggi.   ... baby pun ada weih dok tdo bawah jambatan - mak dia lari - bapak dia yang jaga - tapi bapak dia pun kerja apa lah sangat (kes ni member aku kat MAIWP dah ambil tindakan) ... hu hu hu ... seribu satu kisah - 
Yang muka datang ambik food ala-ala gangster nak cari gaduh pun ada ... menakutkan ... 

So - korang - kalau ada masa terluang dan kesempatan - jom lah turun feed de homeless and poor people ... Kalau korang tak dapat join - korang pun boleh bagi sumbangan dalam bentuk kewangan - ajak kawan-kawan sedara mara kumpul RM10 seorang sebulan - ha... sikit2 lama2 jadi bukit. Yang penting MULAKAN langkah pertama... 

 Atau paling koman pun - sebarluaskan mesej ini - supaya ramai lagi orang yang tahu dan boleh membantu ... 

Kalau korang nak join turun padang - boleh baca info kat bawah ni ... 

Hari edaran :

Boleh join mana-mana hari yang korang hajati/ free.

There is no need to register, unless you are coming in a big group.

9:00 malam hingga  11:00malam 
(depending on the amount of food for distribution)

Meeting point and time :

Biasanya tempat para sukarelawan ni berkumpul ialah :
pada sekitar jam 8:40 malam .  Lokasi berkumpul ... 142, Jalan Maarof, Bangsar, 59000 Kuala Lumpur. 

Nak buat apa kat meeting point ni? 

This is where the volunteer prepare the food truck, Hilux and the medical Myvi by loading food, drinks, treats, medical supplies, etc. Volunteers can safely park their cars here and car pool with other volunteers to the first distribution point.

Lokasi edaran : -  Kalau tak pergi kat Jalan Maarof, korang boleh terus ke Distribution point. Ada 2 point ya.

Distribution Point A at Medan Tuanku Feeding Centre ...
Medan Tuanku Feeding Centre, Lorong Medan Tuanku 2, Kuala Lumpur . ... kat belakang Jobstreet ye. dalam pukul 9 malam ...

This is the first distribution point. Volunteers will be given tasks such as distributing the meal packs and treats, mixing drinks, serving drinks, doing bottle refills, helping as runners, managing the crowd, etc. 

The most important thing volunteers must remember is SERVICE WITH A SMILE because a smile can go for miles and a SMILE IS ALSO CHARITY. Help our recipients turn their frowns upside down! :)

bebudak 4 orang ni - jadi coffee lady and syrup lady ...

Distribution Point B -  dalam pukul 10 malam :
Kota Raya (beside Mydin, and not far from McDonald's). 

We would park the food truck, Hilux and Myvi beside Mydin, which is not far from McDonalds, Starbucks, Nandos. Here the procedure is the same as at the first distribution point. Volunteers should switch to a different task to be fair to all. Most volunteers go home once we are done here.

semua check point ada PERTIWI Medical team ... nanti diaorang rawatlah orang-orang yang memerlukan bantuan rawatan - bagi vitamin, etc.

Susun meja - letak makanan nanti diaorang Q lah dan pilih apa makanan yang diaorang nak ...
Megi goreng ni - bau dia sangat lah sedapnya. Penuh mushrom and isi ...
Panas lagi ni ... So volunteer pack kat situ juga ...

Distribution Point C at various locations such as "Sungkai" / Masjid India / Petaling Street ... 
You will soon figure out where "Sungkai" is. We will go to other locations if we are unable to finish distributing all our food at Kota Raya. We will drive around looking for those who are hungry and thirsty.  

Back to Bangsar ...
The remaining volunteers, the food truck, Hilux and Myvi would return to Bangsar to unload and clean the vehicles.
After that it is customary for volunteers to go for makan or teh tarik ... volunteers need to eat too! :)

Safety & Comfort
It is highly recommended that volunteers come as light as possible, because you will need both your hands. Hence, it is recommended that volunteers be free of handbags & backpacks.

Also please wear comfortable shoes because there will be a lot of standing. 

What we do is safe enough that some of our volunteers bring along their infants and young children. The young children who come along may learn to appreciate their food and surroundings better by witnessing the difficulty many people have to face daily just to get food. 

Bottomline. Soup Kitchen is a good thing and we welcome you to join in the activity.
So berminat?  Boleh hubungi Puan Munirah Hamid Mobile: 0122363639

Sekian ... semoga bermanfaat ...

Friday, July 15, 2016

Al-Quran: Summary of Juz 30

Juzuk 1 | Juzuk 2 Juzuk 3 | Juzuk 4 | Juzuk 5 | Juzuk 6 | Juzuk 7 | Juzuk 8 | Juzuk 9 | Juzuk 10 | Juzuk 11 | Juzuk 12Juzuk 13 |Juzuk 14 | Juzuk 15 Juzuk 16 | Juzuk 17 | Juzuk 18 | Juzuk 19 |Juzuk 20 | Juzuk 21 | Juzuk 22 | Juzuk 23 Juzuk 24 | Juzuk 25 | Juzuk 26 | Juzuk 27 | Juzuk 28 | Juzuk 29 | Juzuk 30.

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

The recitation of the Qur'ân is completed in this 30 th Juz, which commences from Sûrah Naba , ending with Sûrah Nâs, the 114th and final Sûrah of the Qur'ân. 
In Sûrah Naba (Sûrah Amma), Allâh says that the punishment of Jahannam has been prepared for those people who deny the truth of Islâm. When the trumpet is sounded for the Day of Qiyâmah, the skies will be divided into many roads through which people will pass in droves towards the Plain of Resurrection. The acts of every person will be disclosed and Allâh will decide the punishment or reward that every person will receive. Sûrah Nâzi'ât follows Sûrah Naba with the message that people will regard their lives in this world to be a mere morning or evening when they face the torturously long Day of Qiyâmah. The severity of the day of Qiyâmah will cause people's heart to tremble. They will recall their acts in this world and will regret whatever they did because Jahannam will be shown to them. 
In the subsequent Sûrahs, Allâh tells Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam that people with wealth and authority are often beguiled by what they have and therefore do not accept good counsel. On the other hand, poor people tend to accept more readily. Therefore, devote more attention to those who have greater fear for Allâh so that they may attain spiritual purity. 
When Qiyâmah will take place, no one can be of any assistance to another, even though they may be brothers, parents, children or spouses. Every person will be too concerned about his own predicament to be worried about another. The faces of the Mu'minîn and the pious will be resplendent on that day, while the faces of the Kuffâr and sinners will be gloomy. 
Allâh points out to people that they will have to tread the straight path to be saved from the anguish and suffering of the Day of Qiyâmah. On the Day of Qiyâmah, the sky will be rent asunder, bodies will rise from their graves, the stars will plummet down and the oceans will be ablaze. Every person will be confronted by his acts on the Plain of Resurrection when none will want to know another. 

In Sûrah Mutaffifîn, Allâh condemns those who cheat when weighing and measuring, and warns them of a terrible punishment. Allâh cautions mankind to beware of the day when they will all rise from their graves and stand before Allâh to account for every act. On that day, it will be the Mu'minîn who will laugh at the Kuffâr who scoffed at them in this world. 
The sky will be cleaved open when the trumpet is sounded and corpses will be flung from their graves. Whereas the pious shall be quickly relieved of the formalities of the Day of Qiyâmah, the sinful ones will be flung into the fire of Jahannam. These were the people who thought that they will never be returned to Allâh. 
Allâh says further that those who harass believing men and women without repenting afterwards shall suffer a terrible torment in the Âkhirâh. Allâh also mentions that the Qur'ân is a lofty book that is preserved in the Lawhul Mahfûdh. The Qur'ân distinguishes between right and wrong and those who still adamantly adhere to the wrong shall be granted only a little respite.
Allâh commands Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam to glorify His praises and assures him that he will never forget the Qur'ân. Allâh further instructs Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam to continue propagating the Dîn for Allâh shall open up avenues of ease for him. Allâh urges people to ponder over Allâh's creation so that they may recognise Him. Allâh says, "Have they not looked how the camel is created? And how the sky has been elevated? And how the mountains have been rooted? And how the earth has been levelled?" (Sûrah Ghâshiya, verses 17 to 20).

All these signs are for people to take heed before they are taken to task on the Day of Qiyâmah. Allâh admonishes man for his excessive preoccupation with material wealth because it leads him to abuse inheritance and to refuse help to the poor and orphans. However, Allâh has granted man the capacity to do good and to refrain from evil. Therefore, whoever purifies his soul will be successful, while those who are negligent of this will suffer permanent loss.

Allâh advises people to spend their wealth only for His pleasure and with no other motives. None should be proud about being able to do good because only Allâh grants people the ability to lend a helping hand to the needy. Allâh assures Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam that Allâh will soon confer on him a bounty that will please him and that he should never feel that Allâh has forsaken him because Allâh has always been there for him. Allâh has illuminated his heart, alleviated his worries and elevated his name. Allâh consoles Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam (as well as all Muslims at large) that ease always follows hardship. Therefore, a person's attention should always focus on Allâh.

Allâh is pleased with the righteous and they are pleased with Him because they are the best of Allâh's creation. As for the evildoers, they are the worst of Allâh's creation. On the Day of Qiyâmah, Allâh will be so just that even a good act the size of an atom will be rewarded and a sin just as small will also not pass unnoticed.

Allâh says that man acknowledges that he has an ungrateful nature, but his intense love for wealth does not permit him to mend his ways. Allâh reminds mankind to be mindful of the Day of Qiyâmah because they can never fathom the flaming inferno of Jahannam. Man is reminded that he will have to answer for the wealth that he possesses, which makes him negligent of his duties in this world. Besides the righteous Mu'minîn, the rest of mankind is at a loss.

Allâh warns man that every tale‑carrier and miser is destined for Jahannam. In Sûrah Fîl, Allâh illustrates how He used little birds with pebbles to destroy the army of elephants that Abraha brought to demolish the Ka'bah. In the next Sûrah, Allâh tells the Quraysh that they should worship only Him because it was He who made their city a sanctuary of peace.

In Sûrah Ma'ûn, Allâh condemns those who rebuke orphans and the poor and who are vain and miserly. These are the ones who remain negligent of the Salâh. Allâh consoles Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam by telling him not to let the taunts of a certain Kâfir affect him because it will be the very same wretch who will be without progeny and will be nameless in history. Allâh urges Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam to continue performing Salâh and offering sacrifices because Allâh shall soon award him with the pond of Kawthar as a gift in the Âkhirâh.

In Sûrah Kâfirûn, Allâh clearly distinguishes between the Mu'minîn and the Kuffâr so that the one is not confused for the other. Allâh makes mention of the culmination of Rasulullâh's Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam's duty in Sûrah Nasr and commands Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam to engage in excessive glorification and praise of Allâh. Sûrah Lahab curses Abu Lahab and his wife because the couple harmed Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam, immensely. Sûrah Ikhlâs declares, "Say, 'He is Allâh, the One. Allâh is Independent. He is neither the child of anyone nor has He any children. There is none comparable to Him.

Sûrah Falaq is an invocation to Allâh for His protection and makes reference to the witchcraft that was intended to harm Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam. Finally, Sûrah Nâs invokes Allâh's protection against Shaytân's instigation and traps.

End of Juzz-30 

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh...

Alhamdulillah ... Akhirnya ... saya berjaya menghabiskan perkongsian ringkasan bagi setiap juzuk Al-Quran ini.  Tabah juga "nak khatam terjemahan"  ini. Sampai dah 10 Syawal 1437H baru dapat habiskan. Insaf saya.  Sebenarnya - walau sekadar copy&paste - ianya tetap memerlukan effort untuk baca dan kongsikan.  Dan honestly - tak details pun - macam juzuk 30 ni pun - ringkasan tidak dibuat mengikut surah - tapi dibuat secara keseluruhan juzuk 30 itu sendiri apa mesej yang Allah sampaikan kepada kita.

Macam yang telah di maklumkan, Catatan ini saya copy n paste dari salah satu group WA yang saya sertai. Jazakillah Khayr sister nafisah and de brother who make de effort to write dis summary (de original copy).
Saya hanya baca je dan kemudiannya memutuskan untuk kongsi di blog - supaya tak hilang + mudah rujuk akan datang + sebagai satu driven force untuk saya baca terjemahan 1 juzuk 1 hari. 
Saya mungkin tidak teliti dan tidak pakar dalam menyemak sama ada content ini tepat atau tidak.  Justeru jika kalian terjumpa sebarang kesalahan atau keraguan pada mana-mana content catatan ini, mohon maklumkan untuk semakan dan pembetulan segera.  

As much as I gain soooo much benefit from this sharing summary - saya harap juga korang yang baca ni turut mendapat manfaatnya.  Sebenarnya ... jujur saya katakan - susah saya nak istiqamah buat summary ni setiap hari... tapi saya paksa diri - sebab ... takkanlah dah 30 tahun hidup - saya belum dapat khatam BACA terjemahan Quran... Ni pun baru BACA je... belum tentu faham... amalan? Allahuakbar ... jauh lagi nak sampai level itu.

Oleh itu - kalau korang rasa nak baca hari-hari - sekurang-kurangnya sekali dalam seumur hidup dah PERNAH BACA terjemahan Quran - korang paste lah summary ni kat blog korang... 1 hari 1 juzuk.  
Nanti korang tambahlah mana yang kurang dari catatan asal ni.  Lebih bagus lagi kalau korang buat summary versi BM ... 
Saya tak buat versi BM atas beberapa sebab;
1. catatan asal yang saya terima dalam BI - dan saya lebih faham BI ni dari BM (Sorry) ...
2. saya memerlukan effort yang lain pula jika saya nak translate ke BM (Maaf - sepanjang bulan Jun yang lalu - saya terlalu sibuk - memang tak sempat) - 
3. lagipun saya rasa - kongsi dalam BI - insya Allah capaiannya lebih luas orang yang boleh baca.  Untuk "orang melayu kita" saya yakin dalam rumah kita memang ada terjemahan ni kan kan kan ... tinggal lagi kita nak / sempat baca atau tidak je.  

So JOM mulakan effort ... korang sambunglah ..
paste ni kat blog korang 1 HARI 1 JUZUK ...

Semoga bermanfaat, Insya Allah.


Thursday, July 14, 2016

Al-Quran: Summary of Juz 29

Juzuk 1 | Juzuk 2 Juzuk 3 | Juzuk 4 | Juzuk 5 | Juzuk 6 | Juzuk 7 | Juzuk 8 | Juzuk 9 | Juzuk 10 | Juzuk 11 | Juzuk 12Juzuk 13 |Juzuk 14 | Juzuk 15 Juzuk 16 | Juzuk 17 | Juzuk 18 | Juzuk 19 |Juzuk 20 | Juzuk 21 | Juzuk 22 | Juzuk 23 Juzuk 24 | Juzuk 25 | Juzuk 26 | Juzuk 27 | Juzuk 28 | Juzuk 29 | Juzuk 30.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh...

Catatan ini saya copy n paste dari salah satu group WA yang saya sertai.
Saya mungkin tidak teliti dan tidak pakar dalam menyemak sama ada content ini tepat atau tidak.  Justeru jika kalian terjumpa sebarang kesalahan atau keraguan pada mana-mana content catatan ini, mohon maklumkan untuk semakan dan pembetulan segera.  
Semoga bermanfaat, Insya Allah.


In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

The 29th Juz includes Sûrahs Mulk, Qalam, Haqqah, Ma'ârij, Nûh, Jinn, Muzzammil, Muddathir, Qiyâmah, Insân and Mursalâh.

Allâh says in Sûrah Mulk that there is none to replace His innumerable bounties if He should ever snatch them away from people.
 People should therefore trust only in Allâh because He has created both life and death and only He controls them.

Sûrah Qalam makes it clear that the character of Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam is the highest in calibre. Allâh also instructs Rasulullâh is to exercise patience and not to supplicate to Allâh in anger, as Prophet Yunus did. 
The Sûrah also warns the Kuffâr about the punishment they stand to face in this world as well as in the Âkhirâh.

A startling description of Qiyâmah is given in Sûrah Hâqa, where Allâh also speaks of the punishment that the Kuffâr will receive and the rewards that will accrue to the pious.

 Allâh concludes the Sûrah by stating that the Qur'ân is definitely a revelation from Allâh and neither a composition of a poet nor the ramblings of a fortune‑teller.

In Sûrah Ma'ârij, Allâh says that man is a weak creature who becomes perplexed when facing any adversity and miserly when enjoying good fortune. Allâh warns all miserly people who hoard their wealth that they should beware of the terrible fire of Jahannam which will strip off their skins.

Sûrah Nûh recounts the story of Prophet Nûh who tirelessly preached to his people for a long time. However, the wretched people refused to accept his message and relentlessly opposed him. Frustrated by their stubborn * attitude, Prophet Nûh eventually prayed to Allâh to destroy them. As a result of this, they were drowned in a deluge which spared only the Mu'minîn with Prophet Nûh in the ark.

Sûrah Jinn speaks of the praises that some Jinn expressed about the Qur'ân when they heard Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam reciting it.

They believed in the Qur'ân and attested to Allâh's oneness. The Sûrah also makes it clear that only Allâh possesses knowledge of the unseen. Of course, Allâh does impart a bit of this knowledge to His Ambiyâ by means of divine revelation.

In Sûrah Muzzammil Allâh addresses Rasulullâh it as the one who is shrouded in a blanket. Allâh commands Rasulullâh it to‑stand in Salâh for half the night or less, and to recite the Qur'ân in slow measured tones. Worshipping Allâh during the night is an effective means of purifying the soul and readily accepted by Allâh. 

Allâh also encourages zakâh and spending in charity because any good act will be of tremendous benefit in the Âkhirâh.

With a different word Muddathir, Allâh addresses Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam as the one cloaked in a garment. Allâh commands Rasulullâh to propagate Islâm and to hymn the praises of Allâh's glory and grandeur. Allâh also commands Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam to abstain from all impurities and to behave kindly towards people without expecting anything in return. 

As in many previous Sûrahs, Allâh urges Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam to patiently endure the harassment of the Kuffâr without retaliation.
 The Sûrah also stresses that the Qur'ân is a book of guidance that will benefit those people whom Allâh leads aright.

In Sûrah Qiyâmah, Allâh instructs Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam that he should not exert himself to repeat immediately the words of revelation when it is revealed to him. He was to listen attentively, after which Allâh would ensure that he remembered everything.

Allâh says in Sûrah Dahar knwn as Suran Al Insaan, that He instilled the capacity to discern between right and wrong in every person. Man therefore has the choice either to be grateful to Allâh or to be ungrateful. However, the ungrateful will have to suffer punishment for their ingratitude while the grateful will be immensely rewarded with the eternal bliss of Jannah. Allâh lauds the Mu'minîn who, despite their own need, assist the needy without expecting remuneration or even a word of thanks in return.

The Juz concludes with Sûrah Mursalâh, which confirms that Qiyâmah will definitely take place. It will be a day when Allâh's judgement will be decisive and binding. Whoever wishes to be obedient shall be such. On the other hand, those people whose evil acts have surrounded them shall remain rebellious and will have to face the punishment for their acts.

End of 29th juzz

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Al-Quran: Summary of Juz 28

JJuzuk 1 | Juzuk 2 Juzuk 3 | Juzuk 4 | Juzuk 5 | Juzuk 6 | Juzuk 7 | Juzuk 8 | Juzuk 9 | Juzuk 10 | Juzuk 11 | Juzuk 12Juzuk 13 |Juzuk 14 | Juzuk 15 Juzuk 16 | Juzuk 17 | Juzuk 18 | Juzuk 19 |Juzuk 20 | Juzuk 21 | Juzuk 22 | Juzuk 23 Juzuk 24 | Juzuk 25 | Juzuk 26 | Juzuk 27 | Juzuk 28 | Juzuk 29 | Juzuk 30.

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful ...

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh...

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Semoga bermanfaat, Insya Allah.



The 28th Juz  includes Sûrahs Mujâdalah, Hashar, Mumtahina, Saff, Jumu'ah, Munâfiqûn, Taghâbun, Talâq and Tahrîm.

Mujâdalah begins this Juz. Allâh states that it is foolish for any person to refer to his wife as his mother (as a method of separating from her). 
If a man does this, it will be Harâm for him to cohabit with his wife until he pays the required Kafâra. 
The Kafâra is that he frees a slave (male or female), fasts for two consecutive months or feeds sixty poor people.

Thereafter, Allâh teaches the etiquette of gatherings and warns people against hosting secret meetings to plot against Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam or to commit other sins. Allâh says that such meetings are among the acts of Shaytân.

In Sûrah Hashar thereafter, Allâh states that the true Mu'minîn are those people who assist the Muslims who migrate for Allâh and Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam. 

They are people who do not close their hearts despite living in difficult circumstances. Rather, they give preference to others above themselves. 

The Munâfiqîn are completely different because they display the traits of Shaytân. 
They encourage people to commit evil acts and then excuse themselves saying that they have nothing to do with these people. 

Allâh urges people to heed the advice of the Qur'ân, which is so mighty that it can crush mountains under its weight.

Sûrah Mumtahina begins after Sûrah Hashar. Allâh tells the Mu'minîn in this Sûrah that they should terminate all secretive contact with the Kuffâr after migrating to Madinah. The Kuffâr are enemies to the Muslims and will never be their allies. 
A Muslim can never trust a kâfir because the ambition of the kâfir is to convert the Muslim into a kâfir like himself/ herself.

Allâh also states that the faith of a woman should be tested when she migrates to the Muslims. She must be allowed to remain among the Muslims if she is found to be sincere.

Addressing the Mu'minîn in Sûrah Saff, Allâh admonishes them for claiming to do things that they have not done. This is an extremely serious crime in Allâh's sight. Allâh loves those Mu'minîn who stand together like a fortified wall when facing the enemy in Jihâd. 

Allâh then quotes Prophet ÃŽsa who prophesised the advent of Rasulullâh to the Bani Isrâ'îl, referring to Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam as "Ahmed". 
Allâh ends the Sûrah by assuring the Mu'minîn that the Kuffâr will never be able to extinguish Allâh's light and that Allâh will definitely grant them victory over their enemies.

In Sûrah Jumu'ah, Allâh explicitly states, "0 you who believe! When you are called for Salâh on the day of Jumu'ah (Friday), then hasten towards Allâh's remembrance and leave all trade. This is best for you if you only knew. Thereafter, when the Salâh has been completed, then spread out on earth and seek from Allâh's bounty (sustenance) and remember Allâh in abundance so that you may succeed" (verses 9 and 10). 

The concluding verse of the Sûrah states: "Allâh is the Best Sustainer".

Allâh addresses Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam in Sûrah Munafiqûn, warning him to beware of them. Allâh says that the words and acts of the Munâfiqîn contradict their thoughts and feelings. They falsely take solemn oaths in Allâh's name whereas they are devoid of Imân.

In Sûrah Taghâbun, Allâh states that only He created everyone. Allâh made some people Kuffâr and made others Mu'minîn with wealth and children as tests for them. 
Allâh will forgive those people who are rightly guided.

Allâh mentions in Sûrah Talâq that husbands should divorce their wives only when the wives are not menstruating. 
The Iddah should be meticulously observed and it will be regarded as an act of immorality if a woman has to emerge from her home during the Iddah. The Iddah of a non‑menstruating divorcee is three months, while the Iddah of a pregnant divorcee will terminate as soon as she delivers. 
The husband will have to maintain his pregnant wife after the divorce until she delivers his child.

Addressing Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam in Sûrah Tahrîm, Allâh tells him not to forsake Allâh's bounties for the sake of his 'wives. Allâh also tells Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam that he should pay the Kafâra to be absolved from his vow. Allâh cautions that any person who wishes to oppose Rasulullâh will have to face the resistance of Allâh, Jibra'îl alayihi salaam and all the pious Muslims at large.

Highlighting the fact that Imân is a gift from Allâh that a person does not attain by simply associating with pious people, Allâh speaks about the wives of Prophet Nûh and Prophet Lût both of whom died as Kuffâr. On the other hand, the wife of Fir'aun passed away as a Mu'mina.

End of 28th juzz