Thursday, June 14, 2018

The Napkins Seller

Watch this till the end. You'll find back your missing soul Insha Allah.

When was the last time that we truly really have total submission and trust only on Allah subhanhuwataala ...
“And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me - indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided.”
Quran, 2:185,186

When was the last time we do good deeds that might cause people keep us in their doa...
Simple act of kindness bring such meanings.

Salam Syawal 1439H
Semoga Allah terima amalan kita semua. Insha Allah


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Secret behind the doa of Lailatul Qadr'

A Life Changing Reminder : by Majed Mahmoud ...

Secret of why Rasulullah S,.A.W. taught us the doa below :

Please keep Huda Sani in your doa.
Semoga kita hidup dalam iman, dimatikan dalam iman dan islam, dan ada tempat di SYURGA FIRDAUS NYA. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Gifted with Cancer - Ali Banat

This is Ali's story

Inspirational ...

Hidup ini bukan semata-mata bagaimana kita bermula dan kita menikmatinya ...

Tapi bagaimana diakhirinya .......

Semoga Allah beri kita husnul khatimah kesudahan yang baik dengan lafaz Lailahaillallah ... dengan iman yang sempurna dan taubat yang diterima Nya ... semoga kita sejahtera di dunia dan akhirat ...

keep Huda Sani in your doa pleasee ...
This video of him, remind me of all the opportunity ... chance after chances that Allah bless me my reminder 1, my Reminder 2 and many more ...

May Allah take me in the best state of Iman insha Allah ... pada masa yang terbaik, ditempat yang terbaik dalam sebaik-baik keadaan dan iman Insha Allah ... aameen ...


Ali Banat's Final Advice For Us

In 2015, Ali was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer and was given 7 months to live. Upon releasing this, he began to release himself from all the material things he owned from his luxury cars to designer clothes are nothing and that all the matters is returning to Allah with a clean slate. So he sold his successful business and started his charity MATW Project that focused on building Mosques and schools in Togo Africa.
The Millionaire turned humanitarian then tried through his charity and social media to influence people through his story in the hopes to shift our focus on the hereafter rather than this meaningless Dunya (worldly life).
In his message brother Ali talked about how many people reach out to him and tell him he’s guaranteed Paradise for all the hard work he has done to the community to that he said; “Subhanallah this, this is not worth just a simple blessing that Allah has given us. Like waking up in the morning and being able to walk to the bathroom by yourself. These things have been stripped away from me during the last of my life Alhamdulillah…”
Brother Ali was grateful for having the chance from Allah of knowing that his life will be ending soon and although he lasted much longer than the doctors had predicted earlier but he still was constantly reminded by constant setbacks in his health, keeping focused on pleasing Allah SWT…
Therefore his advice to all the brothers and sisters who get to listen to his story is:
“Try to have a goal, try to have a plan, try to have a project that you work towards. Even if it’s not you personally doing it and you’re funding someone else’s projects. Just do something cause wallah you’re going to be needing it on the day of judgment…”
Brother Ali also wanted to show his appreciation and gratitude to all his supporters who sometimes flew from overseas to visit him sometimes and he sai
He wanted to let his supporter to know that the impact they had on his life and how Allah has made him meet people that touched his life…
The Prophet (ﷺ) said:
‘Frequently remember the destroyer of pleasures,’ meaning death.”
Ali Banat remembered death because of his sickness but we should all remember death no matter what our condition is because we never know when we will meet our Creator and we all should want to meet him in the best condition and with the cleanest heart.
So let’s take a moment and reflect on Ali’s story and try to change our lives and prepare for the Hereafter, our real and permanent home!
For more watch the interview to hear more from Brother Ali Banat’s Final Message.
May Allah have mercy on his soul and make us all meet in the highest levels of Ferdaus (Paradise)!

Semoga Allah rezekikan kita semua kesudahan yang baik dengan iman yang benar dan taubat yang di terima Nya dan ada tempat untuk kita di SYURGA NYA Insha Allah aameen .... Keep HudaSani in your doa too ...

Monday, June 4, 2018

Bab 6/2018 - Resit dan kehidupan

It has been a week.

Mengemas tak habis-habis.
Sampai juga masa aku berperang mengemas sepenuh hati.
Nak muntah rasa.
Portion paling susah ialah nak kemas buku + kertas + dokumen + resit

Buku : 
Buku aku ada 6 rak.Semua kotak a4 pada gambar 7/10 adalah buku fail & kertas #ilmu.
Buang?takkan pernah terfikir nak buang.
Sanggup dispose baju daripada dispose buku.
Nota multivariate zaman degree yang lecturer tulis atas plastik ohp pun wujud lagi.
Kenangan menunjukkan aku PERNAH hidup dizaman itu.

RESIT : my bad habit adalah menyimpan resit dan segala mak nenek bills.
Gilerz ok.Resit dari 2008 pun wujud lagi. Ok.This time aku let go semua resit and bills.
Aku ni ada habit KOYAKkan semua doc sebelum buang.
Kat opis pun aku adalah antara yang RARE yang masih mengamalkan prinsip #hancurkansebelumbuang

Tapi malam ni. Aku dijentik sedikit keinsafan tatkala sakit jari jemari ku mencarik resit.
Apabila aku belek tiap rekod perbelanjaan /bank transfer etc - aku rasa ya Allah banyaknya yang aku dah earn dan banyaknya aku spend. Banyaknya nikmat yang Allah dah bagi. Tapi banyak tak yang aku syukuri?
Apabila aku belek tiap transaksi tu aku teringat begitulah agaknya gambaran MALAIKAT MENCATAT SETIAP AMALAN KITA tanpa missed anything untuk dibentangkan satu2 dihari pembalasan kelak.
Ni baru bab duit bab harta.

AKU TAK ADA " Resit masa".
Pada masa sekian2 aku buat apa.
Berada dimana.
Berdosa atau berpahala 
Malaikat tak pernah lalai dan leka dari mencatat itu semua. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Namun BERSEDIALAH untuk menghisab diri kita sebelum kita dihisab diakhirat kelak.


Bagaimanakah telah kita manfaatkan sepenuhnya didunia.
Berdosa atau berpahala.
Masa itu harta.
Masa itu nyawa.

Moga kita pulang bertemu ALLAH dalam keadaan sempurna iman kita.
Telah diampunkan segala dosa.
Telah selesai segala hutang didunia.

Doakan saya huda sani pulang ke rahmat Allah dalam iman yang sempurna dan telah diampunkan segala dosa dan ada tempat saya di SYURGANYA.
Moga kita bersama semua yang kita kasihi disyurga yang abadi.
Insya Allah.


Nota : Ini adalah catatan 6 Feb. 2018