Saturday, March 26, 2022

Machine Learning Project using PYTHON

 😂 saja letak sini senang nak baca kemudian hari. 

This link provide 283 Machine Learning Projects Solved & Explained using Python programming language.

Antara yang menarik:

1) Gold Prediction with PYTHON

2) Gender detection 😂😄

3) Time Series

4) Classification with Neural Network

5) Stress Detection 😂

6) Unemployment analysis using PYTHON

7) WhatsApp Chat Sentiment Analysis 😆 Lepas ni member sentap la kalau ku keluarkan analisis bila kau merapu meraban dalam group.

8) Text Summarization  👍  yang ni menarik - sebab tolong summarykan cerita panjang-panjang #makinmalaskaumembacalepasni #penatorangtulissebukutebal

9) Satellite Imagery Analysis  👌  My current task!

10) 3D Video with python 

Besides, I just wanna pin another 5 videos on ML and DL for my reference #bilaakuadamasalapang

1) Machine Learning

2) Introduction to Deep Learning

3) Deep learning for Computer Vision

4) Practical Deep Learning for coders

5) Full Stack of Deep Learning

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