Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Al-Quran: Summary of Juz 14

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh...

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Semoga bermanfaat, Insya Allah.



This summary of the fourteenth juz covers Surah Al Hijr Ayah 1 to Surah Al Nahl ayah 128.

Beginning of the Fourteenth Juz

Sûrah Hijr follows Sûrah Ibrahîm. This Sûrah sounds a stern warning to those people who mocked Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam message of Islâm and who called him a madman. Allâh tells such people that the Qur'ân is a Reminder from Allâh which He has revealed to Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam.

Allâh adds: "Without doubt We have revealed the Reminder and We shall certainly be its protectors. (verse 9)

Allâh consoles Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam in this Sûrah by telling him that he should never allow the taunts and threats of the Mushrikîn to affect him because these people are following the footsteps of Shaytân and are destined for Jahannam.

Allâh declares that He is the Most Forgiving and the Most Merciful, but that He is also capable of inflicting a grievous punishment.

Addressing Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam Allâh says, "We know very well that your heart is constricted by what they (the Mushrikîn) say" (verse 97).

In the next verse Allâh prescribes the remedy for the hurt that the Kuffâr cause to Rasulullâh Allâh says, "So glorify the praises of your Rabb and be of those who prostrate. And worship your Rabb until the certainty (death) comes to you.­

Sûrah Nahl commences after Sûrah Hijr. Allâh opens the Sûrah with the words, "Allâh's command has arrived, so do not seek to hasten it. He is Pure and Exalted above what they associate as partners to Him."

Allâh rebukes the Kuffâr for requesting Allâh's punishment and reminds them that the day will certainly come when they will be taken to task for their acts.

Man is ungrateful to Allâh Who has provided him with various means of conveyances and animals with which he can transport himself and his heavy loads. There are great signs of Allâh's might in these for people who will ponder.

Allâh tells the Mushrikîn, "So travel in the land and see what was the consequence of those who rejected (the message of their Ambiyâ)" (verse 36).

The civilisations of these people lie in ruins, destroyed by the consequences of their very own acts Allâh reminds man that whatever He wills shall come to pass.

Thereafter, Allâh rebukes the Mushrikîn for feeling ashamed and humiliated when they have a daughter; emotions that lead them to eventually bury the child alive.

Allâh then discusses various bounties that He has bestowed on man; like the rains, the animals and the flourishing of vegetation after rains.

Allâh also calls man's attention to the great boon of milk that Allâh miraculously produces within the bellies of animals. Allâh says, "From what is in their bellies between excrement and blood, We give you pure milk to drink, which is easily consumed." (verse 66)

Thereafter, Allâh reminds man of the various types of delicious fruit that Allâh by His pure grace provides for him.

Mention is then made of the bee which Allâh has inspired to build hives in mountains and trees. Allâh has charged the bees with producing honey, about which Allâh says that it is a cure for man" (verse 69).

All these bounties denote the existence of One Allâh because no one else can create these phenomena.

Allâh says further, "Allâh has given some of you preference over others in sustenance‑ (verse 71). In so doing, people are interdependent and each one serves the needs of the next, thereby allowing the smooth functioning of the system of life.

Further reminding man of His bounties, Allâh says, "Allâh has made spouses for you from yourselves and, from these spouses, created sons and grandsons. And He has provided for you pure foods to eat. Will they believe in falsehood and show ingratitude to Allâh's favour?" (verse 72).

Despite the fact that Allâh provides man with his sustenance and all these bounties, the Kuffâr still worship "things that cannot provide any sustenance for them from the skies, nor from the earth" (verse 73).

In addition to this, they also forbid others from treading the right path. Because of their deviant ways, Allâh will subject them to a severe punishment when He will resurrect all of mankind.

Allâh then mentions a few attributes of the Qur'ân when He says that it is also "a guidance, a mercy and a glad tiding for those who submit." (verse 89).

May Allâh grant us the ability to be conscious of His bounties and to remain steadfast upon the belief in Tauhîd. Âamîin.

The verse "Verily Allâh instructs justice, good and giving to relatives. And Allâh forbids lewdness, evil and oppression. He advises you so that you may take heed."

Allâh also commands people to fulfil their pledges and their oaths, and not to accept bribes.

Allâh promises all Mu'minîn men and women who carry out good acts that He will grant them a pure and comfortable life in this world and full reward for their acts in the Âkhirâh.

Thereafter, Allâh instructs the Muslims that they should always seek refuge with Allâh from Shaytân when they commence recitation of the Qur'ân.

Allâh also advises, "Call to the path of your Rabb with wisdom and good counsel; and dispute with them (the Kuffâr) in a manner that is best (Sûrah Nahl, verse 125).

At the end of the Sûrah, Allâh tells Rasulullâh that he should not be grieved about what the enemies of Islâm do because Allâh will certainly assist him to overcome all the hurdles they place before him.

End of the Fourteenth Juz


  1. Bersyukurkan kita.
    Cuba bayangkan kalau kita lahir zaman itu kena tanam hidup-hidup.

  2. Dalam BI. Ada tak dapam BM akak. Rasanya jika ada yang dalam BM lagi banyak manfaat. Bagus Al-quran jika dapat kita baca sendiri dan hayati.

    1. Mungki Pokok Manggis boleh buat versi BM - kongsikan di BLOG Pokok Manggis - nanti bagitau na... boleh kami back link kat blog Pokok Manggis...

      Maaf lah tak sempat nak translate.
      Lagi pun saya rasa BI punya banyak juga orang boleh faham dan ambil manfaat. Insya Allah...

      BM - majoriti orang melayu kita ada je tafsir/ terjemahan kat rumah masing-masing - tinggal lagi nak baca ke tak je ...
      hi hi hi ...


Nak Komen?
Silakan.Moga beri komen yang bermanfaat. Setiap yang kita tulis Allah akan nilai.Betul tak? (*_*)